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I put my phone down after hanging up and sighed. I laid back on my bed and looked out the window. We were still no closer to finding Hawk Moth and I had to go because I had to get to school. Monday mornings were the worst but to get to Tuesday and better days I had to go through them. So I got up and got my stuff together and left the house.
I bused to school and got there on time and walked with the BakuSquad to class. First up was English. I sat down at  my desk and waved to Hitoshi. “Hi.” I said and he put his book down and turned to me. “You’re here on time.” He said to me, I knew he was joking. “I’m always here on time.” I responded. “No you’re not.” Mina said, poking my arm. “Alright little listeners!” Our English teacher; Mr Yamada called.
Everyone’s heads snapped to the front and the noise level went from decently loud to silence. “Alright little listeners, we’re starting a book study on the novel, The Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Grahame.” He began to explain. I looked at Hitoshi’s book which sat closed on his desk and nearly laughed, it was the Wind in the Willows.


It was the last period and we were sitting in the homeroom. I tapped my pencil against my desk and kept looking up at the clock. I had finished my work and now I was bored. We still had five minutes to go. Hitoshi nudged me. “What’s the answer to number 28?” He asked. I looked back at my sheet. “Henry VIII” I replied.
“Why is it a history question though? This isn’t history, this is homeroom.” Jirou commented. “He has to find some way to keep us busy if we aren't doing hero training.” Bakugou told her and she nodded. “Wait, have you finished?” Hitoshi asked, raising his eyebrow at me. “Yeah.” I replied. “I don’t know about maths, it looks right but it’s calculus so there’s a good chance I’m wrong.” I questioned and he looked over my maths questions.
“Looks about right.” He told me. “You’re a liar.” I turned to him, a serious look on his face. “Ask Bakugou, he’ll tell you.” Hitoshi said calmly, turning back to his own work. “Bakugou?” I asked and he turned to me. “Damn it, Dunce face, what?” He asked and I handed him my sheet. “Are the maths correct?” I asked and I could see his eyes searching the sheet.
“Yeah they’re correct.” He said and handed the paper back to me without any other words. Holy shit. I actually can do maths for once. “Alright guys, hand you sheets in and you can go, except for Kaminari, I want to talk to you.” He said. “That’s all, class dismissed.”
Everyone brought their sheets to the front and grabbed their bags and left, I however handed mine in and sat back down at my desk. He had a quick look over at my sheet and then placed it down on the pile. “Side note, your equations are looking really good.” He told me. “But back to the topic I kept you behind for, I have a question, Kaminari.” He said, looking directly at me. Oh no.
“Where have you been, Kaminari? You leave in the middle of classes, rush out unexpectedly and then get back sometimes late at night, always tired. Your excuses vary, some were your Mum wanted you home and others were other stuff and sometimes you never had an excuse and say you just got caught up or you couldn’t find your class despite being here for a little over four months. And I’ve had emails back from your Mum, all those times you said she wanted you home she either didn’t know and said you weren’t or she was at work. So Kaminari, tell me, where have you been going and why?” Mr Aizawa asked. He thinks I’m working for the League doesn’t he? “What’s your excuse this time?” “I don’t have one Sensei.” I replied, quietly. What else was I supposed to say? “Very well, Kaminari. Don’t worry, I know you’re not working with the League in any shape or form, you’re too headset on being a hero and you wouldn't jeopardise that for anything. But I do have to ask you this, what’s going on at home Kaminari?” He asked.
Apart from Mum always being at work and me being left on my own so much It feels like I live on my own? Not much. “Nothing.” I reply anyway. “If there is something, you know you can come talk to me about it, right?” He asked. I nodded. “Yes Sensei.” I replied. “Alright, but if this happens again then you’ll be suspended. You can go.” Mr Aizawa told me. I got up and grabbed my bag and left.
I left the room and began to walk down the hallway when my phone pinged. I looked at it and Max’s name flashed across the screen with two emojis. A bee and a butterfly. I raced into the bathroom and shut the door behind me and a pixelated portal appeared. I stepped through and into Mari’s room. We had signals through emojis and the one for Hawk Moth was the butterfly because that was the miraculous. The butterfly miraculous.
I transformed into Queen Bee and left through Mari’s trap door window and flew through town until I found Ladybug, Cat Noir, Carapace and Rena Rouge. “Hey guys.” I said, landing next to them. “Hey Bee.” Rena smiled at me. I waved to her and then turned my attention to looking for either what he’s created this time or where he himself is.
“He just turned up, I was on patrol and I saw him.” Chat Noir told me and that’s when I saw him. Grey mask, purple suit and cane standing on the eiffel tower, looking down on everyone. “There!” I said, pointing in his directions. “Split up and surround him.” Ladybug instructed us and we all obeyed. I flew through the streets and ducked down behind a pillar, I could see his back but not his face. I picked up my spinning top and spoke into it. “Now what Ladybug?” I asked. “I’m going to count down from three and you’re all gonna dive for him okay?”
“Three, two,one…go.”
I took a deep breath and snuck towards him. I climbed the tower and ran for him but he turned just before I could do anything and he disappeared. I landed right where he was and the others then appeared. “Crap.” Mari said and looked around. “Keep hunting, if you see him, go for him.” She said and we all split up again and searched around the city. But after a few hours we still had found nothing and nothing had happened. So we concluded that case, It was: Mission failure. I ended up going home.

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