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"I don't know, but there must be something, just completely normal, that people have missed that connects whoever Hawk Moth is to being Hawk Moth." Luka said, moving his hands in a similar fashion to what Iida does. "Well if you're right It has to do with the fact that he holds the butterfly miraculous." Max chimed in.
Me, Adrian, Marionette, Max, Luka, Alya and Nino all sat on a video call, we were trying to figure out who Hawk Moth might be. "So we're just gonna assume he designed shit that might give it away that he was Hawk Moth?" Mari asked. "I don't think he would be that stupid, it he's kept his secret this long that means he wouldn't have something obvious pointing to him." I pointed out, people would catch on." Adrian tried to explain. "It could be something obvious. Like a slap in the face kind of thing." I chimed in and Alya nodded.
"Denki has a point." She said, "he also would have been planning this for a while gathering on how on point everything is." Alya continued. "Or he might have an assistant of some kind." Nino commented. "But who?" Adrian asked. "It's definitely someone who is against us and or just straight up wants power." Max explained.
"Why do I feel like Lila is connected to Hawk Moth somehow?" Mari asked and Alya nodded. "I wouldn't be surprised."
"So what now? We have a baseline. We just need to look for people who fit the profile." Luka elaborated. I nodded just as my phone pinged. So did theirs. "Ah, is it Master Fu for the rest of you?" Nino asked and I nodded, so did everyone else. Max transformed and a pixelated portal opened up in my room and I stepped through into Mari's room and transformed before we all set out to find Master Fu.


We were aboard Startrain now, Me, Adrian, Mari and Max and we were making our way to the drivers part of the train where Max's Mum who was akumatized had kidnapped a bunch of people on a train and was keeping them hostage. I stopped and still while Max used his robot to unlock each compartment. Soon we made it to where Startrain was and Adrian and I were fighting while Max and Mari were trying to figure out how to get the train back to earth. "On three." Adrian told me and started to count. "One... Two... Three." I said and I summoned up venom and pounded my fist straight into Startain's chest and Adrian used his cataclysm to destroy the akumatized object and set Max's mum free. We stood there as Max teleported us back to Paris and safely back to the tracks.
We got off and freed the people who were on the train and headed back to the safety of Mari's room and transformed. We stood there in silence. "So... ice skating?" Adrian asked and we all nodded in agreement. We headed off to the ice skating rink and while Adrian and Max were skating around me and Max sat on the ice up against the barricades.
"We really should be skating shouldn't we?" I asked. "You should!" Adrian called skating past us. I huffed and stood up, slowly skating to the middle where Mari was doing twirls and I joined her while Adrian was doing figure eights around us. "Come on Max!" I called and he shook his head. "I don't skate!" He called.
"Then why didn't you say anything?" Adrian asked. "I don't know." He called back and Max sat there the rest of the time and then I went home to Japan.

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