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It was Friday afternoon and I sat on the swings, swinging to and fro, Shinsou was on the other swing. It had only been a few days since I’d last been called out to help save Paris along with Ladybug, Chat Noir and Rena Rouge. “So do you want to come with me on Saturday to hang out with the BakuSquad?” I asked Shinsou. He was quiet for a second and then nodded. “I got to meet them sometime. It would be awkward if I don’t.” Shinsou replied. He turned towards me. “Hey Kaminari.” He said, “yeah?” I replied. “Call me Hitoshi.” He told me. “Call me Denki.” I returned the favour. “Did you know the first person from U.A that I’m on a first name basis with?” I chucked a fun fact at him. He raised his eyebrow at me. “Not even with Jirou or Kirishima?” He asked. “I shook my head. “Nope.” I replied.
“I would have thought you’d be calling Jirou by her first name at least.” He told me. “We’re good friends. I’m a close friend of hers but she’s my best friend.” I explained. “Are you hers?” “No, I think Mina is.” She replied. Hitoshi nodded and turned to look out over the field.
“When am I hanging out with you and the BakuSquad.” He asked and I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check details, so I didn’t get the dates wrong. Uhh…Saturday. We’re meeting at the mall at 11:45am.” I explained and he nodded. “What do I wear?” Hitoshi asked. “Something casual, like you normally would when you go with your friends to the mall.” I explained to him. “I’ve never been to the mall with my friends. I’ve only ever had one friend and that’s you.” Hitoshi said, turning to face me.
“Oh, do you want me to come over early and help you pick something out?” I asked. “Yeah. I’d like that.” Hitoshi replied, looking at his watch and letting out a sigh. “I have to go.” He replied.


I knocked on Hitoshi’s front door. It was about 10:20am and he’d told me to come over about this time. The front door opened and it was Mr Yamada, my English teacher, or by his hero name; Present Mic. He had Eri who was clinging to his leg. “Hey Kaminari, come on in, Hitoshi’s upstairs.” He said, moving aside and dragging his leg behind him.
I walked through the door and stood in the doorway looking around as Mr Yamada shut the door and walked off, still dragging his leg. Mr Aizawa walked in, looked at me a little confused and then turned his attention towards Eri. “Eri, what are you doing?” He asked. “I got Papa’s leg.” Eri said blatantly. Mr Aizawa sighed and shook his head. I walked up the stairs and went to his room and Hitoshi was sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone, white shirt and black track pants. “Is that what you wear to bed?” I asked him, I shut his door behind me.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with it?” “You look like you're about to go to some rich people party where the theme is casual.” I told him to open the door to his closet. He nodded. “Yeah, that’s what I’m going for.” He laughed. “You’re a fashionista with a statement.” He said, I could feel his eyes looking  me up and down. I turned around and brushed my hands down my denim jacket. I was also wearing a pink t-shirt, black ripped jeans and converse shoes I’d spray painted pink, yellow and blue.
“I have style, what’s wrong with that?” I asked. “I knew I wouldn’t regret getting you to pick me out something to wear.” Hitoshi laughed. I turned back to his closet and filtered through the racks of clothing. I pulled plicated suit pants, a white shirt and a blue and white plaid button up shirt. I took a pair of Nikes from the bottom of his closet and handed it to him.
He held the clothes I’d given him as I sat down in his office chair and spun around to face the wall so I wouldn’t have to leave the room. I was facing the wall for about a minute. “You can turn around now.” He said and I spun around. I raised my eyebrow at him and got up. I unbuttoned his plaid shirt because it was one up and left it. I rolled his sleeves up to his elbows and stood back. “Right.” I said, pulling my phone out from my pocket and looking at the time. “We need to go.” I said, it was 10:30 am.
We left Hitoshi’s house and walked to the bus stop, waited for the bus, got on the bus and rode it to the mall. We arrived just in time and made our way to the food court where the rest of the BakuSquad were waiting. “Hey guys!” I called them as I was and Hitoshi walked up to them. “Finally!” Sero called. “Shinsou!” Mina called running up and squealing.
Hitoshi walked over to talk to Jirou as he knew her from the EmoSquad and was the only one he felt comfortable with talking to right now. “So?” Mina asked. “No, I haven’t asked him. But I did invite him to hang out with us.” I shrugged. “That’s technically a date.” “No it’s not Mina.” I sighed and we began to walk around.


We were sitting on grass in a park near the park eating takeout. My phone pinged and I put my food down and took my phone out of my pocket. Max’s name flashed across the screen and a bee emoji in a text. I sighed and tucked my phone back in my pocket and got up.
“Sorry guys, my Mum wants me home.” I lied to my friends. “Since when did your Mum not work on a Saturday?” Sero asked. “Uh, she’s closed a case.” I said and waved to them. I texted Max my location and ran into a cafe and went to the back and ducked into the bathroom. A pixelated portal opened up and I stepped through into Mari’s room. Max stood before me and spoke through his horseshoe. Pollen appeared and I turned to her. “Buzz on.” I said to her and she began spinning around me, making pixels that flowered over me and when she was done I stood in my hero suit. “They’re in the middle of town.” Max told me. “Thanks.” I replied and flew out her trapdoor and flew through town and the scene fell upon me. Ladybug and Cat Noir battling it out with Troublemaker. I made eye contact with Chat Noir who slipped out from the battle and joined me on the rooftop. “What’s the plan?” I asked. “That’s why you got called. She knows both of us are here so she keeps a good eye on us, she can also become untouchable when she taps her pen.”
“So your hand would go right through her or something?” I asked to confirm and Cat Noir nodded. “Yeah, but she doesn’t know you’re here. So we need you to get in behind her and use your venom, you know what to do.” He told me and I nodded. Chat Noir jumped back into action but I stayed put, coming up with a strategy. I needed one because if she saw me, even out of the corner of my eye then I was done.
I took a deep breath and saw she was heavily distracted. I took my chance and flung down behind her, bringing fist up and I said under my breath: “Venom.” And she didn’t even see me when I came crashing down, plunging my first into her back. She was suddenly frozen. Cat Noir landed next to me with black pixels around his fingers and touched the pen. It turned to dust and a black butterfly flew out. Ladybug yo yoed it and brought it back, purifying it and letting it go. “Pound it.” We said together, going in for a first bump. We travelled back to Mari’s room and I went back to Japan.

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