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I had just walked in my gate when my phone pinged and I pulled it out of my pocket and Max’s name flashed across the screen with a bee and butterfly emoji. I sighed and rushed inside, shut the door behind me and text Max back and within a few minutes a pixelated portal opened up in front of me and I stepped through into Mari’s room and the pixelated portal closed behind me. I transformed and then Max directed me to the situation.
We raced through the city, over rooftops and through tunnels until we were at the eiffel tower, where a man stood, both hands on his cane, looking down at us, a woman standing next to him. “Is that…?” I asked and Max finished my sentence. “Mayura.” He said, standing next to me. I looked over at Mar, Adrian, Nino, Alya and Luka.
We were standing in a line, looking at the situation, waiting for it to unfold. He was looking directly at us, he knew we were here. It was so quiet, I could hear each of our breathing and I could tell, nobody knew what to do. “Anybody got a plan?” I asked and saw Adrian shake his head out of the corner of my eye and I took a deep breath. “We need to fight him, give him a run for his money and then follow his back to his hideout.” I said and Mari shook her head. “We tried that already but he was one step ahead of us, he’s always one step ahead of us.” Mari explained, not even looking at me. “What other choice do we have?” Luka asked, taking my side. “I don’t know.” Mari replied looking at Cat Noir and he looked back at her and then turned to us. “Anyone got any ideas or are we going with Bee’s idea?” He asked.
We refrained from using our real names when we were in these situations, we couldn’t have anyone having any sort of information on our true identities and our names could be a big part of this so we used our hero names. Even though my hero name is Queen Bee, everyone just calls me Bee.
I remember back when I first came out with my hero name to the other holders Luka asked me why Queen Bee and I told him ‘what sounds better, Queen Bee or King Bee, also there is no such thing as a King Bee’ and he nodded. Now three years later, we’re still fighting this guy. “Bee’s idea I think.” Nino replied and there was a murmur of sure and yes and why not so we ducked down behind a barricade to discuss a plan.

About a few minutes later, we jumped out with a plan and spread out, going in different directions all with different roles. Mine was hide and then follow when he had his guard down or had transformed and jump out and sting him. I spoke into my spinning top and was told to stay still for the time being. All I knew so far was that Cat and Ladybug were fighting up front while Alya and Nino were supposed to jump in later and drive him out while Luka was floating around to keep me informed and backtrack in time if needed. “Hey, you need to move to the bridge when Andre is, they’re on the move.” Luka told me. “Copy that.” I replied and subtly made my move.
By the time I got there, I had a few seconds to hide before Hawk Moth replied with Mari and Adrian on his heels and Alya using her quirk to make it so he was confused. Nino’s job came in later when Mayura would turn up when things went to custard.
They were fighting it out for about fifteen minutes when they let him get away and then I chased after him, while staying hidden on the rooftops and then Hawk Moth stopped and stood still. “Hello, Queen Bee.” He said and turned around. I stopped and he came running at me about to attack and I ran at him, I summoned up venom and then he jumped and I spun around counter attacking him and he jumped back and came back at me and tried to hit me with his cane but I dodged and jammed my stinger into his chest and he stopped still.
Just when I thought I had him, a massive wind blew past and in came a giant dark purple moth, Mayura riding it and it picked up Hawk Moth as I was blown off the rooftop and fell to the ground. I used my spinning top to catch myself using a lamppost and landed on both feet on the ground. The wind stopped and the rest of the team joined me and they were both gone. “Shit.” I sighed.


It had been about two hours since our failed attempt at capturing Hawk Moth and finding out who he actually was. It was late and Mari and Adrian had gone home along with Max and Alya and Nino and now I sat sitting on the bridge with Luka.
“So what time is it for you?” He asked and titled my head back a bit, thinking. “About 6pm.” I replied and he nodded. It was dark here as it was 11pm and I thought of getting home so Luka could get home. “I should get back.” I said and he nodded. We walked to Max’s house and then Luka headed home and Max teleported me back to my house, in the middle of an area with lots of trees and I walked inside. “You're back late.” My Mum said from the living room. I didn’t know she was home but I walked into the living room and sat down next to her on the couch.
“How was school?” She asked. “It was cool. We’re reading the Wind in the Willows right now and we’ve moved onto Integration now and I hate it and it’s hard and I wish I could go back to Algebra because I could actually do that.” I explained and Mum laughed. “Calculus and Integration are basically Algebra but on steroids.” Mum explained and I folded my arms. “Yeah, on steroids.” I said, “why can’t I do the one that isn’t on steroids.” I explained and Mum laughed again and then stopped.
“Your friend dropped around at about four thirty but you weren’t home, were you with your other friends, the BakuSquad I believe it is.” Mum asked and I turned towards her. “Yeah, yeah I was.” I lied and she nodded, picking up the remote and turning the TV onto the News.

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