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"By now, you should know what is going on, sorry Queen Bee, you missed a good five ten minutes of conversation but our worst fear has come true. Our biggest threat has even more power and on top of that is in the hands of your biggest threat who you are still trying to uncover the identity of." The President of the Hero commission explained. I nodded silently with the rest of my group. "Now, as much as I hate sitting here, I have too until you de akumatize AFO, then we can step in and take care of whatever is left." She explained. "Ma'am." I started and she looked up at me. "In all honesty, we could just wrap the entire thing up, we have the resources and we're all quirkless, there's nothing he can do once we have de akumatized him. The only real damage is our miraculous but we've learned how to protect them." I said and she nodded.
I knew I was lying about not having a quirk but I couldn't have anybody suspecting me or them. But what about my classmates? What are they gonna think? Could I tell them when this is all over? I wondered but was quickly pulled back into reality when the commission President raised her voice, asking if anyone had a plan, so I put my hand up. I knew exactly how I wanted to play this, I just hoped my team was on my side and would agree with me.

We were just about to leave when I looked back over the security cameras. I could see class 1A looking through a window at the field, AFO was on the grounds of the school and they could do nothing about the situation. And it scared them, even Bakugou but he tried not to show it. "Mr Aizawa is on the phone, he's trying to figure out where you are." Alya whispered to me. She could lip read. "So, who are you gonna fight with?" Alya asked. "Us or them?" Luka finished. I looked over at my friends who had no idea of my secret life and then back over at my other friends who I considered some of the most special people in my life and sighed. “I am Queen Bee, always have been and always will be, I was part of the start and I will be here to be a part of ending Hawk Moth.” I said, Mari, Adrian, Luka, Alya, Nino and Max smiled and we all went running out of the building, swinging through the streets until we went to the roof of the U.A building.
We croached there, watching AFO do his thing while we communicated. “Our problem is much bigger now and we can’t afford to stray from the plan, we have to 100% stick to it otherwise this will go slop.” Adrian explained and Mari nodded. “Let's go, team.” She whispered and Alya pulled out her flute and then she directed it when AFO was.
The illusion was a big battle scene with all of us in it, and he thought it was us and began to fight, but we had to make sure the illusion had no physical contacts so he nodded. We kinda just chilled on the rooftop for a while why this went on. The plan was to wear him out and give him a false sense of winning before we jumped in, Alya would distract him from the front with the help of Cat Noir so I could jump in and paralyse him, Nino can trap him in a shield with Mari and Cat Noir. Cat Noir cataclysms the miraculous and then Mari would purify it. Luke and Max were there just in case things went wrong as they usually were.
There was a lot of stuff I was still learning about miraculoses. The last time we were all a zoom call with Master Fu (cause Mari taught him how to use the internet) he told us about how just like quirks, miraculouses can malfunction. It’s magic and it doesn’t work 100% of the time. It works about 99% of the time so there is a 1% chance that something could go wrong during a mission. We just had to hope it wasn’t something major.
This went on for about 10 minutes  and AFO started slowing down, he was getting tired so we decided to jump in. Cat Noir and Alya first and pranced around for about a minute and a half and then I jumped in behind. Jumping into the sky, bringing my fist back in a punch stace and then I felt weird. My toes were twitching and then I noticed it. Yellow and black pixels were going around my feet and lower legs in a spinning motion and that’s why I realised it. I was de transforming.
My miraculous was malfunctioning. I was on live TV with the whole world watching including my classmates and I was about to be de tranfrormed in front of everyone. Shit, shit shit. I was in the middle of flying through the air and soon it was gone, my mask and my costume. I was in my school uniform falling through the sky, plummeting towards the ground, the air smacking into my back. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a bag where my miraculous stayed when it wasn’t in use and where I kept my macarons that Mari supplied me with because Tikki and Pollen both loved them. I pulled it out and chucked it at Pollen who gobbled it up.
I was free falling, but I was calm, Pollen was busy munching on her macarons, she was eating as fast as she could. I knew my class was watching, thinking I was done for, thinking ‘oh my god’ now that they know my secret. Mr Aizawa would be putting the pieces together, sifting through all my lies. He knew. Everybody knew. Pollen was done eating and she flew through the ear towards me. “Pollen, buzz on.” I whispered and she was suddenly pulled at lightning speed towards me and she went crashing into my chest and black and yellow pixels spun around me until I was Queen Bee again, my spinning top suddenly back in my hand, I spun around and used it to catch myself and propel me forwards and turned back into my punch stance and came crashing down on AFO who looked so shocked, you’d wonder if his expression was painted on. But I stabbed him with my venom in the chest and he was paralysed, stuck in one very surprised position.
Nino, Cat Noir and Mari landed next to me and I flipped out of the way and de transformed, it didn’t matter if anyone saw me, they already knew it was me.
and a shield, glowing green, went up around them. Cat Noir cataclysm where he was akumatized and Mari purified the butterfly again. I transformed back into Queen Bee and paralysed him again and we waited for authorities to turn up and take over.

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