chapter four:nightmares

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"GRACE! GRACE! HELP!" "Griffin? GRIFFIN? GRIFFIN! CAN YOU HEAR ME? GRIFFIN!" I called out for my little brother while running trying to figure out what was even happening. this was all to familiar. "GRIFFIN? HELLO ARE YOU THERE? GRIFFIN? CAN YOU- CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I choked through tears and ran faster trying to find him I still didn't know what was happening. "Griffin!" I called once more, then it hit me, this was a nightmare, I replay of what happened that night I was in this cold dark place I don't even remember how I got here I didn't want to remember, I had tried so hard to suppress these memories to convince myself it was all in my head, but it was real, this was real. Well maybe not this but what had happened was.

     I woke up in a cold sweat and began crying
I hated these types of dream, or well nightmares, those meds really weren't working, and mom has talked about putting me in therapy but, I don't think that'll work either. Nothing will I guess.
    'I hate this, I hate my meds, I hate Hawkins, I hate school, I hate myself, I hate my dad, and I hate my brother! This was his fault right? Well no it wasn't its mine all of it is, I hate everything'

I soon realized what time it was, it was 6am, I got up and decided to get ready, I put my hair in pigtails and a nice outfit and headed downstairs.
what she wore:

I went downstairs to see if mom was making breakfast and she wasn't so I headed back out stairs and to Griffins room to wake him up

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I went downstairs to see if mom was making breakfast and she wasn't so I headed back out stairs and to Griffins room to wake him up.
"Griffin it's time for school bud get on up." He pulled the covers over his head and mumbled something to me in a tired tone. "Oh come on get up or we're gonna be late and you won't be able to see Gwennn~" I chuckled and he removed the blanket and looked up at me and hopped up staring at me annoyed. "Why'd you say it like that? 'Gwenn' why'd you say her name like that?" He questioned while giving me a death stare and he pouted at my silence response of me just walking away, I walked into moms room to see her getting ready. "Oh someone's a early bird!" She said to me while giggling a bit. I just smiled at her and went back to see if Griffin was awake. He was surprisingly getting ready, he walked out and headed downstairs and mom did the same I soon followed after. Mom began making breakfast for us as usual, today she made french toast, which was one of my favorite breakfasts foods, and Griffins too, we liked the same things for the most part, other than spicy things, I loved spicy foods, and he absolutely hated them.
I quickly finished my food and carried the plates to the sink as usual and Griffin and I headed out for a another boring day of school. I saw Finney leaving his house with Gwen and they ran up to us and we began walking together. Gwen and Griffin were a little further behind me and Finney since I was a fast walker and Griff was a little bit slower, especially in the mornings. Suddenly my mind drifted off back to my nightmare I had just woke from, this always happened, and I hated it.

'GRIFFIN! CAN YOU HEAR ME? GRIFFIN!" I ran and just kept running not even sure where I was or where I was going. "GRIFFIN? HELLO ARE YOU THERE? GRIFFIN? CAN YOU- CAN YOU HEAR ME?" "Griffin!" I stopped running and turned. "HELP! GRACE! HELP!"

"Grace? Grace? Grace!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Finn yelling my name and waving his hand in front of my face. "What?" I said staring at him realizing I must've stopped walking at some point in my daydreaming because everyone else stood still and as did I. "Uh you okay?" Gwen asked giving me a concerned look, of course Griffin was worried but this was normal so he didn't say anything he just stared at me giving me a very puzzled yet concerned look.
"I'm fine." I lied, and we just kept walking. Finally we got to the middle school we dropped Gwen and Griffin off and headed over to the highschool, I hated that stupid place. We walked in silence until Finn finally said something.
"You okay? What happened back there?"
He gave me a worried look and just stared at me until I finally answered. "Nothing really, just- just something that usually happens." I tried to laugh but I couldn't I swallowed and waited for his response. "Oh.. okay then." We walked in silence again until we were finally there. I walked in and went to my locker and then headed off to first period. I sat down by Finn as usual and we began to do our project thingy, but I'm sure Finn realized something was wrong because he kept asking me things like, "You good?" "Are you okay?" "What's wrong" "Everything alright?" And I always just responded with something like,"Yeah I'm fine don't worry, I'm okay."
Once most of the day was over it was time for lunch and as usual I sat at the same table as Finn and Robin. Robin must of noticed something was off too, because like twice already he had asked, "Aye you good?" Or "You okay?" And I would just nod and go back to eating. I could hear Robin whispering to Finn about me. "Hey is she okay?" "Uh I don't know she's been like this all day," they exchanged whispers as if I wasn't sitting right across from both of them. "Uh guys! I'm right here! And yes I am fine! How many times do I have to tell you both?" I snapped, they both just stared at me and went back to eating.
Finn got up and titled his head in a motion that meant like 'come on' usually. I squinted my eyes at him and eventually got up and followed him, he took me to the art room which was opening during lunch because sometimes students would go in there during lunch and stuff, but the teacher wasn't in there today, maybe he forgot to lock the door? I looked up at the ceiling and then back to Finn. "What's really going on Grace, you can tell me, if you want to?" He said in a soft tone while closing the door being sure just to crack it a little and then he came and sat down at one of the tables and I did the same.
"Well uh I had like a really bad dream last night about..." I froze, can I tell him? Should I tell him? "About.. something that happened before we moved here, well like sorta the reason why we moved here, it was like a memorie." He just stared at me waiting for me to continue.
"What happened in the dream?" He questioned scooting his chair a little closer to me. "I don't really wanna talk about it." "Oh okay uh that's fine, well is there anything I could do to get your mind off of it?" I looked away and stared at the paint cabinet and smiled and turned back to him.
Seconds later our clothes were covered in paint and it was all over our hands and we were laughing like we were five year old children who were about to get caught doing something they were told not to. "Okay! Okay, shh!" I giggled gently hitting him in the arm. "We should get cleaned up and go." He said calming down and standing up to get some paper towels, we cleaned ourselves up and took our painting we made.
"Finney look! It's uh meant to be a sunset but I'm not the best painter." I giggled handing it to him. "Ohhh I love it! Here's yours!" He handed me what looked to be a painting of the outside view of a tree house and a cat in the window, and somehow he made the affect that it was raining.
"Wow." I said smiling I looked up at him.
"You are an amazing painter Finney Blake!"
I chuckled, and suddenly the bell rang.
I put my painting that he made me in my bag and he did the same and then we headed off to class.
Finally the day was over, I walked with Finney to go pick up our siblings when we got there only Griffin came out and we looked at each other confused. Finney turned to me with a look of realization, "Oh it's Friday so she's at her one friends house." He said and we began walking finally we made it home, Griffin headed inside and I gently tugged Finney on the arm to get his attention and suddenly turned around looking a little confused. "Hey uh it's Friday so it's basically the weekend do you wanna stay at my house for a little or stay the night so we can work on the project? If not that's cool." "Sure, let me ask my dad though." He smiled and walked off I headed into the house and sat down by mom.
"Hey mom, if Finns allowed over, can he come over, he lives right across the street." "Yeah, if you have all your homework done and everything." "That's what he's coming over for we're gonna work on a project for school and stuff." "Okay then." I heard a knock and the door and jolted up I opened the door to see Finney. "Oh hey come in!" I smiled at him as he walked in he waved to Griffin smiling and turned to my mom. "Oh hi you must be Grace and Griffins mom, I'm Finn, nice to meet you Ms. Stagg." He said politely and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you too Finn, and please just call me Terra no need for all the 'Ms'." She giggled, he nodded and we both headed upstairs to my room.

Okay so I'm kinda out of ideas for chapter names, so if y'all have any pls lmk.

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