chapter fourteen:happy halloween

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"Finney shut up! We're not being something stupid like that for Halloween pick something better that is actually cool." I joked as we walked quickly to school with Gwen and Griffin behind us as usual "Carebares aren't stupid Grace!" he giggled as we approached Gwen and Griffins school "Bye Griff bye Gwen have a good day!" I shouted as they ran off quickly and Finn just waved them bye "Well Finn I really wanna match costumes with you so what do you wanna be already just pick something!" I laughed as I looked up to him, he looked like he was thinking about it but I couldn't really tell. "What shout we just wear some like matching outfits and cover it in fake blood!" I suggested and he nodded "Yeah sure that sounds cool!" he smiled at me and I titled my head and smiled, he grabbed a hold of my hand slowly and he seemed slightly unsure about the action but I found it cute how nervous he was, "I love you Finney." I whispered quietly, he most likely didn't hear me because he didn't seem to say to back, but I didn't think much of it.

-time skip-

I waved bye to Finney and Gwen and headed inside with Griffin as he sat down his bag and let out a long sigh "Ugh today was the worst Grace!" he said sitting down on the couch, I went over and sat down next to him as I replied with "How? What happened?" he breathed in before finally speaking "Well first I sat down and there was glue and other stuff on my seat and then kids papers and stuff at me the entire class time, so I went to the bathroom and skipped there for a while and then went to lunch finally and some kid spilled their lunch all over me and mom had to come and bring me a change of clothes, she literally had to leave her work and now she has to work extra thanks to me! And on top of it all the teacher yelled at me when I got ONE question wrong but Fran kept getting them wrong and he just said 'oh it's okay sweetie keep trying you got this' like what the fuck? And also on top of it I slammed my hand in my locker like twice and also I accidentally called my teacher mom and- well whatever I don't remember much of the rest that happened but yeah." he seemed to have just trailed off and forget he was even talking to someone anymore, I felt bad he was brother and there wasn't much I could even do about this, no kid has ever really treated him like he was there, he was kinda like a ghost just about everyone, other than Gwen and Finney and me and mom of course, and I think he has a few other friends he's told me about, but he could just be making that up so I don't worry. But I am worried and I wish that I could help him some way. "Im sorry Griff that's just stupid, and trust me if anyones mean to you or anything of the sort, I WILL beat their asses." I giggled and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back with teary eyes and I wiped his tears "So Griffin are you ready to go trick or treating! We're going with Finney and Gwen in a few hours so get ready, what are you being again?" I said changing the subject to cheer him up and take his mind off of things, "Oh I'm being a zombie! I know it's basic buttttt I'm being a VAMPIRE ZOMBIE COOL RIGHT!?" he shouted excitedly and I giggled "Yes very cool! Finney and I are matching costumes and I think Gwens being a cat or something like that?" I replied titling my head "Ooo what are you matching as?" he asked as he folded his hands together "Oh were just wearing matching outfits and covering it in fake blood, not really much just kinda basic stuff you know?" he nodded and rushed off to get ready without another word. I helped him with his makeup and costume and everything and he helped put the fake blood on the outfit I was wearing.

-time skip-

"Trick or treat!" Gwen said as we approached our first house, they gave us quite a bit of candy and the little kids were chatting up a storm and griffin seemed so happy, and honestly so was I, and Gwen seemed to be too, but Finney looked like he just didn't wanna be there, not like upset but a bit uncomfortable, maybe he didn't like trick or treating? But I snapped out of my thoughts as Griffin pulled me to the next house quickly. After we got our block we went to the next one and Finney looked to just be getting more uncomfortable and to now looking just upset, "Hey Griffin, Gwen hold on! Wait right there at the corner!" I said as I pulled Finn to side and Gwen and Griffin were both just standing very confused at the corner but where I could still see them but they couldn't hear us. "Finn, are you okay?" he looked at me confused and nodded and his eyes looked everywhere but stayed focused on my face still, "Finn... are you sure? You seem very... upset, if something wrong just tell me and I'll-" I sighed and paused between my sentences before he completely cut me off "I'm fine!" he covered his mouth in regret of yelling but I didn't really care, I knew that he didn't mean to yell and he was upset at something so I wasn't mad at him for it or even really shocked by it, "Finney it's okay," I began speaking again and I moved his hand away from mouth and held his hand and he looked at me confused "If you want we can just go back home? Or you can and I'll continue to trick or treat with the kids so that they aren't like you know, yeah but, I know that something's bothering you, can you please just tell me so I can try to fix it?" he titled his head and squinted at me, he gave a look that said 'just shut up' but I knew he didn't mean that and he would never say that, and he can't exactly control his facial expressions anyways so it was okay, he sighed and began speaking. "Well it's nothing to serious I just... buzz and his friends threatened me and said they'd literally kill all of us if they see us, and we don't have Robin to save us this time since he wasn't allowed to go this year. I nodded and breathed in angrily, not at Finn but at his stupid dumbass cocksucking bullies, what whore bags! Fuck them. "Finn I promise you, no one and I mean, no one will fucking touch you because if they even come near any of us, I will throw candy at them, then my basket and then my fist and then stabbed them multiple times, okay? Now the kids seem annoyed so let's get back to- well first is anything else bothering you other than that?" he shook his head and held tighter onto my hand, we both began walking back to the kids and then we went back to trick or treating after a minute of Finney calming himself down.

After we were done trick or treating we went home and dump out all our candy, Finney and I checked if it was safe, which all of it seemed to be, so after we ate some of our candy I took the bags from everyone, "Okay! No more candy! Griff it's your bed time!" I said standing up with all four of our candy bags in hand Griffin stood up and giggled and started running around, then both Finney and Gwen stood up "Uh Finney hold these I have to catch him." I sighed throwing my head back and then began chasing after Griffin until he got tired and ran off to his room "Ugh Griffin don't do that again! Anyways good night!" he shut his door and lied down and I headed back down the stairs to see Finney Gwen eating all of their candy "FINNEY! GWEN NO!" they both looked up to me and began giggling before they ran around to, "Get back here now!" I tackled Finney to the ground and held his face in my hands as Gwen ran off somewhere, "You look so pretty right now Finn." I said staring into his eyes with a quick giggle and then I gave him a kiss on the forehead and we both stood up and sat down on the couch as we saw Gwen was passed out asleep on said couch, we laughed quietly at the sight, "Candy makes her tired if she's had to much." Finney let me know and I nodded, Finney and I cuddled up together and fell asleep on the opposite side of the couch to Gwen. Happy Halloween.

sorry I haven't uploaded in a while and sorry abt how bad and short this chapter is lol

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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