chapt. 1

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The music slapping your ears as you feel the cold breeze on your face.

You were currently just riding around on your bike before heading home after the meeting. It always had your mind calm and collected on what to do for upcoming events. As for the event in mind is the mobius fight coming up. The thrill of beating the crap out of some punks always excited you, but you still had to think of what to do, just incase a problem shows up...

" I'm kinda hungry right now. " you said to yourself, the sight of a nearby store came up.

Parking in front of the store you head in wondering what type of things to snack on tonight. Maybe I'll get.. these gummy bears, and ill read some jojo while I do. You said in your mind, pacing through the isles.

Unexpectedly, you had bumped into someone as your big brain was too occupied in random thoughts. "Ah, my bad, my bad.." you said to kid. You were pretty dumbfounded but tried not to show it at the kid you just bumped into.

His super arched eyebrows made him look like he was already up to no good, and especially with his serious look behind his eyes. "Watch yourself. " the kid said to you, and walked somewhere else.

You stood there for some seconds wondering "haven't I seen him before... his eyes looks familiar." You said in your mind but immediately brushed it off.

After paying for your snacks you started heading to your bike when you seen the same kid you had bumped into, standing there.

Eh!??!? I thought he went home already!!  you panicked in your mind. You continued to mind your business til he called out to you.

"M/N, why would you want to hide a pretty name like Y/N?."

You froze, you never thought of something like this happening.

"Huh? Who the hell are you, and who the hell is Y/N? " you spoke to him, staying at your bike. "No need to play dumb with me. You know, it'll be a shame to see you lose your great reputation over lying about who you really are. "

You slowly looked at him, and he had the most shit eating grin on his face. "Seriously... who the hell are you?"

"I am Tetta Kisaki. It's nice knowing you L/N Y/N."

With that he chuckled and left you standing in front of your bike, in your own thoughts. You looked at your beloved snacks you have gotten and back at the direction Kisaki had left.

"Man, I ain't even hungry anymore. " you said to yourself. Soon getting on your bike and riding home.

As time passed you fell flat onto your bed, wondering what the hell just happened. Then you remembered, that son of a gun used to go to your elementary school, and you had never seen him again... He was such a nerd.

"Sigh. the world is seriously small."

DJAKCJA HOW IS IT DO YOU GUYS LIKE IT SO FAR!!? 1? 2??????!! 1Edited it because I needed to

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Edited it because I needed to

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