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"So what are your plans for winter break. Since you don't have to work." My mom asked for probably the hundredth time this week.

"I told you mom. There's not much planned. I'm going out with a few friends that are flying back into town. But that's it. I'd like to just relax and not have to worry about anything." I said with a sigh.

"Jennie I want you to get out there more. Meet a nice guy and marry him. The new guy down the street is single." My mother has been prodding me with this ever since I turned 27. I guess Elizabeth Bennett's friend that said she was a burden to her parents at that age was right. Because my mother has never stopped bringing up my very single self since. Being thirty now I'm sure is killing her.

"He's also gay mother. I don't have to be married to be happy. I'm fine where I'm at right now." I said before putting my mug from my hot chocolate in the sink.

"Leave her alone Allison. She's happy and will be with someone if she's good and ready." I smiled. My dad always came to my rescue.

"You don't care if she gets married because you want her to yourself. Because she's your baby." My mom said while rolling her eyes.

"Your not wrong. But there are better things to be doing with your daughter than pecking at her about marriage. Let the poor girl be. Leave while you still can sweetheart." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I nodded to him.

"Love you both. I'll see you Christmas eve." I said before hurrying to the door. Nearly falling on my butt on the ice trying to get to my jeep quick enough. I got inside before my phone rang. It was my friend Jenelle that was flying in from South Carolina. I started my car before picking it up. "Nelly, are you back!" I yelled.

"Yes! I'm here and ready to go out for drinks girl! Are the kids out of school yet? So I can get you all to myself." She asked. I worked at an elementary school at the front desk. I was also the school nurse. Which in dating got a lot of those weird men with fetishes. The school nurse sexual jokes aren't cute anymore or ever have been.

"Yep, free and clear. When do you want to go out first?" I asked.

"Tonight please! My mothers already started with me about marriage." I laughed and shook my head.

"Our mothers must have talked to each other. Because my dad just bailed me out of the last one I just had." I pulled onto my lane and slowed down as I got close to my driveway.

"Ok, great! Lets do 7:30 at Mulligans. I'll tell the others. Love your face!"

"Love yours!" I hung up before I pulled into my garage and got out. I headed towards the door that had my dog Dottie barking like crazy behind it. I opened the door and she sat at my feet. "Hi sweet girl. How's my baby." I scratched behind her ear and gave her a kiss on the head. She followed me in and sat to watch me take my shoes and coat off. I reached for her treats on the shelf and took one out before returning the box. Her tail wagged wildly and she held still as I set the treat on her snout. "Hold it." I said and then snapped my fingers. She flipped the treat in the air and caught it. "Good girl."

I looked at the time and saw that it was only 3. So I could take a nap before I went tonight and would be well rested to stay up later than usual. "Come on girl. Nap time." Dottie and I went into my room and both got comfortable. Falling asleep quickly.

Once I woke up from my nap and got ready. I put on puppy YouTube for Dottie. Yes I'm one of those people. I don't like her to feel bad when I go. "Alright girl. You watch the house and be good. I'll see you later." I grabbed my coat and heard the honk of Nelly's brothers car. He was a good sport and said he'd be a designated driver for us. Obviously he's been getting the same why aren't you settled down talk from their mother.

Love and LegalityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora