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"I'll be glad when this shift is over." Suzie said and I nodded. "It's not even a full moon."

"I know, maybe someone cursed us." Denise added.

"It's possible." I said as I filled out my paperwork.

"So, are you going to explain what that was in room 4?" Denise as and I sighed.

"I am the Jennie." I said and she chuckled.

"Well, that was awkward as hell. Are you guys still dating?" She continued and I shook my head.

"No, it's a long story. We broke up though." Denise was good to not press for more information. I loved that about her.

"Damn, you played the perfectly. I never would have known anything if she hadn't have said anything." I chuckled and looked back at her.

"I tried." She laughed and then looked behind me.

"Can we help you Mrs. Walters?" I quickly turned to face Jason's mother.

"Could I speak with you Jennie?" She asked and I nodded. I gave a worried look to both Suzie and Denise when I stepped out.

"We can step in here. There's no one in this room." I said motioning her to head into the empty room. I walked in after her and slid the door partially closed. "How can I help you?"

"I wanted to thank you for being so eloquent in there with us earlier. You could have passed us off to someone else and I would have completely understood." She said giving me a smile.

"I don't let personal issues come between my care Mrs. Walters. If it were Jason. I would have done the same thing." I said and she smiled at me.

"It's Jill please." I nodded. Not planning on calling her that ever. "I'm so sorry about what happened. I can't believe how that all worked out. You were my hope." I scrunched my eyebrows together. "He was finally happy with you. I've never seen him like that and quite honestly I thought he'd end up alone."

"He'll find someone else that makes him feel like that again." I said trying to not be rude in how I talked about him to her. She shook her head at me.

"You don't just get over a soulmate." I froze as I listened to her words. "Maybe one day you guys could fix things."

"There were way to many hurtful things said between us. I think it's best to just shut that door completely." Her eyes grew sad.

"I'm sorry he broke your heart this much." She said before leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. Sighing before she left the room. "Thank you again."

I stared at the door way. Not sure what to do next. That took a lot of balls to come and talk to me about this. To say that her son hurt me and to ask if there might be a chance between us. Shaking my head and heading back to the nurses station. I need to get my mind off of this.

The rest of my shift wasn't nearly as eventful as the beginning. Which I was grateful for. Before I had left. Jason's mother had sent breakfast down for all of us and thanked us once more. I was just glad Jason hadn't come with her.

I had gone to my parents to pick Dottie up and then went home to sleep. Holding her as I slept that morning helped with last nights events. Once I woke up and showered. Washing the night before away and trying to start anew. I looked at my phone and saw that I had several missed phone calls from my parents. That's odd, I wonder if somethings wrong. I dialed my dads number and waited for him to answer.

"Jennie you're awake finally. Come back to the house. We have great news." I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Why can't you just tell me over the phone dad. What's going on?" I questioned.

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