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After we got our things put away. Evan had us sit down for dinner. We talked and laughed the entire time. Jason looked like he was having a really good time. We told him how we met and he just watched us with wonder. Evan and I acted like we've known each other for years.

"Oh, I almost forgot." I said before getting up from the table and getting into my bag. "I brought the picture to show you." Walking back over to the table and handing it over to Evan as I sat back down. He had a giant smile spread across his face.

"Well, what do you know. My goodness Frank was a good lookin man wasn't he?" He said with a grin. I nodded.

"My grandma certainly thought so. Don't count yourself out though Evan." I told him with a raised brow. He handed the picture over to Jason to look. "Louise kept you to herself on purpose." Evan chuckled as he looked over at Jason. He was smiling down at the photo as he listened to us. "Her grandpa and I were in the same platoon. I used to call him knockers. Cause he knocked his boots together while he slept." We both laughed at him. Jason handed the picture back over to me.

"Do you have any kids Evan?" Jason asked and he shook his head.

"Nope, just me and the wife." He gave us a smile. "That's why I trapped Jennie into coming and visiting me. Gets quiet around here."

"She doesn't look trapped to me. Quite the opposite." Jason said with a smile.

"Well, you gotta keep these cute girls happy. So they keep coming to see you." I rolled my eyes at Evan. "I bet you two are tired from driving for so long. Let Dottie have a run outside. I'll get the pull out set up for you Jason."

"Let me help you with that." Jason said as he followed after him. I let Dottie outside to go play around for a minute while I took care of the dishes and cleaned off the table. She barking up a tree when I came back outside to check on her. I could see a racoon up a few feet in the branches. Yelling down at her.

"Dottie come and leave the poor thing alone." Dottie gave it one more good bark and then sped inside. She headed into where Jason and Evan were. Chatting up a storm. I shut the door and grabbed Jason's bag. Setting it in the chair next to the pull out.

"She found that racoon didn't she?" Evan asked.

"Yep, I'm afraid she treed him." I said with a laugh.

"Good, that little bugger has been getting into my trash can at night. I think I have him beat now." He winked at me. "I put three bricks on top instead of the one. He'd have to be super man to get that off."

"I'm surprised that a military man hasn't shot it yet." Jason said and Evan shook his head with a smile.

"You would think so. But I live in his habitat. He's only doing what he needs too. Also my eyesight isn't as good as it used to be. I don't think I'd hit him." He said with a chuckle.

"I doubt that." Jason said with a knowing smile. He then looked over at me. His happiness making my stomach tighten.

"I'm going to head to bed." I said giving Evan a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright dear, See you bright and early." Evan got a few more blankets out of the cabinet as I left them. Grabbing my bag as I headed up. "That nightgown is up on the bed for you." I smiled as I continued to walk up. He knew I loved that night gown. I hadn't really tried the others since I've been here.

"Thank you." I called out. I had just gotten dressed in the night gown when there was a knock on the door. Opening it up and finding Evan at the door. "Hey." I said and he shushed me. Pushing me inside the room and shutting the door quietly.

"So, tell me what happened for you to bring him here. Last we talked. You hadn't spoken to him yet." He prodded and folded his arms. Waiting for my reply.

Love and LegalityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora