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'So my sister saw me holding your hand this morning.' I got the text while we were watching Christmas Vacation.

'Well my brothers friend saw you "Sticking your tongue down my throat" and he announced that to my mother. So thanks for making my mother go absolutely feral.' He sent a bunch of laughing emoji's and then a wink.

'I always live to serve.' I rolled my eyes as he sent another. 'My mother started to grill the shit out of me. Because my sister just casually announced it at the dinner table.'

'If I'm getting grilled. It's only right that you are too.' I then sent another 'Oh apparently you're tall dark and handsome as well. Our nosy friend Diana gave my mom all the details.'

"Are you texting him?" My mom asked from the loveseat she was sharing with my dad.

"Yes mom, do you want a play by play?" I gave her a deadpan look.

"What's he saying. You can invite him over if you want." I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head.

"I'm sure his family would like him to spend time with them dear. Let her be." She folded her arms angrily and my dad winked over at me. My phone buzzed and I looked down.

'Tall dark and handsome. Maybe I might get along well with this Diana.' I smiled and shook my head at my phone. 'I'd much rather get along with you in my bed.' I pressed my lips together and tried to hide my face.

'If my mother catches me blushing at my phone. So help me Jason.' I bit my lip hard and turned away from my mom in my chair.

'I don't think she'd be to happy if I didn't make you blush sweet cheeks.'

'Sweet cheeks? Really?' I took a deep breath before his text came in.

'Of course. Cause your fine ass fits perfectly and sweetly into my hands.' I started to laugh and everyone looked at me. Ducking down into my blanket and replying to him.

'Well I've already gotten my quota of embarrassment today. My family is looking at me weird and my father over heard my sister saying how you rocked my world.' He sent a bunch of smirking and laughing emoji's.

'Did he say anything about it?' He asked and I quickly responded.

'Just that he never wants to hear about it again and good for me.'

'Well if I meet him. Looking him in the eyes going to be awkward as hell.' I laughed quietly at the thought. I'm sure my dad would give him an up and down. 'Although, he at least knows you're getting taken care of in the bedroom. I always aim to please Jennie.' With the last part he sent a winking face. I looked over at my mom who was giving me the stink eye and I ducked down in the chair.

'I better go. My mom is giving me the stink eye because I won't share what we're talking about.'

'You mean you don't want to tell her all about me screwing your brains out over and over again.' I felt my cheeks flame.

'That's definitely not a topic of conversation I ever want to have with my mother. Anyways, enjoy your family and I hope you get an awesome gift from Santa in the morning.' I put my phone in my pocket and told everyone I was going to bed. Only I'd be coming back down later to put out Christmas gifts for the kids. Because they'll be back over early in the morning.

Grabbing my bag at the bottom of the stairs and heading up. Dottie choosing to stay with my dad. Traitor. I quickly got dressed for the night and brushed my teeth. I took a look at my phone before I plugged it in. There was one more message from Jason.

'I put a late order in this year. I'm not sure it's going to be wrapped up in a bow for me under the tree tomorrow morning.' I smiled a little before another text came through. 'I don't want to stop talking with you though. It's so much better than talking to my family.'

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