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It had been two weeks since my birthday. Jason and I taking turns sleeping at the others house. It was perfect. But I was beginning to feel the same way he did. Coming home on the nights he wasn't going to be over or I wasn't going over there. It was awful. I luckily had Dottie with me. So it broke my heart to think of him being alone.

Today was the day of my brothers court date. It was just him taking his plea and getting things started for the probations committee. But I wanted to be there for my brother today so I took the day off. I got up and got dressed. Not sure what to wear I wore my dress clothes. I was ready to go before I sent a text to Jason.

'I have a surprise for you tonight.' I sent and then grabbed my things. My phone had gone off after I turned the tv on for Dottie and headed for the car.

'Ooo I like surprises. I can't wait.' I read and smiled. Oh I'm sure he'll die with what I have to tell him. I texted my brother I was on my way and got in the car. Pulling out of the drive way and heading to the court house. Never in my lifetime did I ever think I would be going to the courthouse like this. My anxiety starting to takeover and my stomach tying up in knots.

I was pulling up to the parking lot all to quickly. Finding a spot to park in and then heading inside. My brother and Sherry were already here. So was my sister. "Ready for this?" My brother asked.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" I told him before giving him hug. "We'll get through this. I promise." I looked around and questioned my sister.

"Where's mom?" I asked and she shook her head.

"She couldn't do it." I nodded and then saw my dad walk in. He gave my brother a hug and then moved to the res of this.

"We better head in. They're finishing up the last case." My brother said and we followed in after him. It wasn't anything like the movies depict. There's a lot more going on and several people were waiting for their cases to be brought to the judge. We found our seats and his lawyer leaned over the bench to speak to us.

"Everything should go smoothly today. We'll get through guys." He whispered and we all nodded to him. My dad wrapped his arm around me as we waited for the last case to finish. I was ringing my fingers together when I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Jason at the table on the other side. He was speaking to the judge about the defendant in the case going on. My stomach dropped. This can't be happening. I leaned over to my sister and asked her a question.

"Is that the lawyer going up against Derek?" I asked and she nodded.

"He gets mean. So don't take that beautiful face to seriously." My body started shaking. This can't be happening. This isn't real. I stared at him and I could feel the bile rising up in my throat.

"Jennie are alright?" My dad whispered and I shook my head. I watched as Jason took a seat and then adjusted his jacket. I could feel tears trying to burn my eyes but I was not going to let that happen. He reached for something in his brief case and looked up. His eyes met mine and his face paled. Realization I'm sure connecting for him. I looked away from him and down to the floor. What was I going to do?

"He's starring at you." My sister whispered and I leaned forward. Tapping my brothers lawyer on the shoulder. He looked back at me and gave me a questioning look.

"I have to speak to you. Right now." He looked at me wide eyed and nodded for me to follow him over to the doors off to the side.

"We'll just be a minute." He told the deputy. He nodded to us as we stepped out and he shut the door. "Are you alright. You're white as a ghost."

"I need to tell you something and I'm afraid how this might affect my brothers case." I said quickly and he froze.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I sighed. Nearly letting the tears fall from my eyes.

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