Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When Techno finally came back for him, Quackity was blinded as the morning light flood in from above, only being blocked out as Techno climbed down. Sliding two big bowls of rotten flesh across the room off tot he side, before speaking. "Morning, Quackity. Sleep well?" Techno asked, with a knowing smirk on his face, as he made his way over, and started messing with the end of the chain attached to the floor. The two JackoLantern Monsters, having gone into two separate, tunnels in the far side of the wall, that Quackity hadn't seen, until they had vanished, apparently gone until night returned.

"Fuck you." Quackity spat, still huddle in the same spot he had been place for the entire night. He hadn't gotten any sleep, being too paranoid with the two monsters Techno had free roaming the room. His only safe spot being the torch light. That didn't ease his nerves though, not when the Techno had let the monster keep their weapons too!

"I got breakfast waiting and then you're going to go and change Phil's splint, maybe even clean it." Techno said, already walking for the latter, holding the end of the chain attached to Quackity's ankle in his hand like some type of leash.

"I'm not preening his wings!" Quackity argued, hurrying to his feet. He was almost offended by the suggestion. As much as he didn't like the idea of Techno dragging him around, he did not want to stay down here any longer. Techno just snort and was already climbing up the latter, with Quackity close behind. He was thankful the chain was long enough, so he could walk just fine. He could also use it if he could catch Techno off guard.

"I'm not asking you to preen his wings, even I know that's something for flock. I want you to to wipe them down. At least get some of the dry blood, dirt, and mud off them." Techno explained as they walked into the kitchen, and dropped the chain in favor of sitting at the table, where a bowl of porridge sat.

That gave Quackity paused.

Techno looked at him, arching an eyebrow in question. "You going to sit down or what? The key to your ankle is beside your bowl." Techno said, pointing his spoon to the other bowl of porridge across the table.

Quackity scowled at Techno as he sat down and practically snatched the key off the table and release his ankle, suppressing a yawn, that wanted to escape. No way was he going ot show Techno last night had bothered him.

"You know, I'm actually surprised you even know what preening is. Your wings look horrible." Techno said, as he continued to eat.

"My wings are fine!" Quackity snapped, making sure his wings were pressed firmly against his back. It wasn't anybody's business if he preened or not. He was perfectly fine. Quackity stabbed the spoon into the bowl, keeping his eyes on Techno, who just snorted at him and continued eating. It irked Quackity that the Techno was acting like he hadn't just left him in a hole last with monsters that could have killed him. They soon settled into eating in silence after that. Quackity nibbled at the porridge, feeling just too tired, to really eat, or much of anything really. Last night was starting to catch up to him now that he wasn't on edge anymore. Techno seemed to give Quackity a few extra minute to finish, before standing up.

"Okay, time to go see Phil." Techno announce gesturing for Quackity to leave the room first so he could follow behind. And Quackity was honestly surprised that the pig hybrid just didn't push him up the stairs, with how slow he was moving.

Quackity entered the room, with Techno blocking the door again. Quackity could feel those red eyes staring a hole in his back.

Phil was still asleep on his stomach with a bunch of blankets covering him. Quackity guessed the crow hybrid looked a whole lot better than yesterday; not that he cared or anything. The sooner Phil woke up the sooner Techno would let Quackity leave.

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