Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The crows were giving him away. They were following him and screeching; calling out to warn Phil of his escape attempt. He only had a small window before Phil even heard them and showed up to drag him back into the nest. For once he was actually grateful for his wings, for the work Phil had helped him build up. They were flapping behind him without much thought, but he could feel his speed actually picking up with each downward stroke of his wings. Overtime his clothes had mysteriously developed slits in the back, so that his wings were out all the time now. It was just a gradual things, like the crows moving his stuff in, but now that he was no longer being subjected to the will of his instincts, he was able to think much clearer and was now noticing all these changes that were being made for him and he didn't like it. Whether she meant to or not, The Goddess of Death had gave him the opening he had been waiting for and he was taking it and was leaving.

"Shut up, you stupid birds!!" He shouted, turning only to throw sticks and twigs he'd snatched off trees that he passed at the flock following him.

It only took a few throws, before Ranger popped their head from under his beanie and croaked at the flock following them, before the hoard of crows, veered up into the sky and back the way to Techno's cabin. However, Ranger stayed, and tucked themselves back under his beanie. Some part of Quackity was happy that Ranger stayed, had chose to stay, but he wasn't going to put too much thought on the little bird on his head until he knew he was safe. "There's got to be a village here somewhere. I'll take a fucking portal to the Nether right now if it comes down to it." He huffed, mostly to try and assure himself that he at least had a destination in mind and not because he had no plan at this moment.

Fifteen more minutes went by before, he cleared the trees, and still no village in sight. "Damn it." He cursed, coming to stop to catch his breath and to rest for a moment. Phil and Techno were still no where in sight so that had to mean he had a good head start. At least he hoped that was the case. Phil could come swooping down from the sky and he'd never see it coming. "Shit, shit, shit!" He wheezed, closing his eyes and centering himself. The stupid part of his brain chirping and pushing him to go back. To go back to the nest. To go back where there was someone that cared for him. "Oh, my Prime just be quiet!" He shouted, slapping his hands on his face to make that stupid little bird in his brain to be quiet.

A sharp screech from above had him flinching and snapping his head up to the sky. His inner self split between happy and fear as his eyes caught sight of Phil in the distance. A part of him happy that Phil was coming for him. And the other afraid of being taken back. He had to make his feet start moving. Two steps backwards.

"Quackity!" Tenchoblades voice shouted, pulling Quackity's attention from the sky to the trees he just left. A flash of red and pink in the thicket and he was running again. It might be a lost cause, with Phil covering the sky, and Techno the ground, but Quackity had the distance.

"Mate! Don't run!" Philza's voice called from above, still far away, but getting closer.

Quackity, didn't bother responding, too focused on running. Too focused on not letting his instinct, make him do a u-turn and back to Techno and Phil. There was no way in hell he was turning around. His wings were beating the air behind him and he would swear he felt his feet leave the ground a few times, but somehow seemed to stumble at the same time and be back on the ground again. There wasn't anytime for any of that, it was just his instincts wanting him to obsess with flying, when in reality he couldn't fly. His wings were just useless appendages, he felt so stupid doing all those stupid exercises and jumping off stuff when it was all pointless!

From his peripheral he spotted a hand reaching for him and in a split second decision to serve to the side, had him practically skidding on his feet as his direction changed, just in time to get out of reach from Techno's outreached hand just as Phil dived down, making both almost collide with each other if Phil hadn't banked up at the last second.

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