Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


He and Wilbur were at the bottom of the stairs, listening to Tommy shouting curses at Quackity, before a slight scuffle could be heard. Wilbur was sitting in the middle of the floor, looking excited and barely containing himself from running up just to see what was happening. Techno wanted to go up there too, but they still weren't allowed in the nest, so whatever was happening, Phil would have to deal with when he got done over at his house.

"Who do you thinks winning?" Wilbur asked, after a particularly loud thump could be heard from upstairs with both Quackity and Tommy cursing.

"Not sure." Techno answered, trying very hard to distract himself, especially the voices.

'We should go up!'

'Yup! Yup!'

'Go referee!!'

'Blood is so going to spill!'

'And we're missing it!'

'I want to see the fight!'

Yeah the voices were really interested in what was going on in the nest, but as long as there was noise both were still alive. And as long as they were in the nest, Techno wasn't going to cross into the nest unless it started to sound like someone was close to death. So he was trying to distract them by reading their favorite myth.....It wasn't working.

"I wanna go up!" Wilbur groaned, leaning forward like he was about to spring up to his feet.

"Don't do it. We're banned." Techno warned, not looking up from the book, even thought the voices weren't letting him read a word.

"This is so unfair. Tommy's got beef with him too! Why does he get to go up?" Wilbur groaned. He sounded just as bad as the voices.

"Tommy hadn't tried to kill him yet." He reminded, finally giving up on the book and looking toward the stair too.

"I was trying to help him fly!" Wilbur argued.

"Try explaining that to Phil again." He huffed, perking up a bit when a loud whack could be heard along with shouts of pain.

He really wanted to go up there too. Instincts wanted to protect the runt of their family, but also not disrespect Phil. So, he was thankful when Phil stepped through the door.

"Hey, Phil! Your fledglings are trying to kill each other up there!" Wilbur greeted with a smile.

Phil gaped and looked at Techno who motioned up the stairs with his eyes, as more cursing started getting louder in the nest room. Phil's gaze following Techno's gaze. Techno watched as Phil's face turned from shock to stern as he, in a very calm like walk, made his way up the stairs. Both Wilbur and Techno got up from their sitting positions to crowd around the bottom of the stairs to listen better at what Phil was going to do.

They both flinched back a bit, hearing a very familiar and demanding screech that was definitely Phil. And then silence. After a moment a small remorseful twittering sound could be heard, that was definitely Tommy.

"Only ones twittering." Wilbur murmured. "Think Tommy killed him?"

"Not likely, but its not impossible. Phil would have already said something if he did." Techno grunted, plus he didn't smell any blood, but then there were ways to kill someone with spilling their blood.

'Let us go up!'

'We want to see!'

'Maybe he didn't do it right!'

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