Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

It had been a couple of days now and no one had came for him. Quackity wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed. Or maybe his new hideout was just the good. Who would think to look for him within the ruins of what was left of the presidential office of L'manburg. It had taken some digging but, he had been able to find the hidden room he and Schlatt used when it was time to pull out his feathers. The room was mostly untouched, besides the obvious dust from lack of use. But the ting that was driving him nuts was the heavy dust that floated in the air, seemed to embed themselves in his feathers, making them feel like the ants were back and crawling on the hidden skin.

He did try and distract himself, by fixing up the room. Even made a bed that he ended up tearing apart and putting back together, because the bed just felt weird to sleep in now. It was like weeks of sleeping in a nest had somehow been ingrained in his head that beds were no longer capable of being the best place to sleep. But he wasn't going to build a nest. He didn't need a nest. A bed worked just fine. He bit at his thumbnail as he glared at the piece of furniture. It was a comfy looking bed. It made no sense why he couldn't make himself sleep in it.

Ranger who was perch on the bar Quackity had once used to hold himself still for the removal of his feathers, made a croaking sort of noise.

"I don't need a nest! Humans don't sleep in nests." He shushed the bird.

Ranger made a hissing noise.

"I am human. Phil just fucked with my head, that's all. He conditioned me." He scoffed, going to the bed and beating the pillow to try and get it fluffier. Midway through stopping to run his hand over the blankets he had gathered. All soft and fluffy material that would keep him warm; material that would make a great nest. A strangled noise escaped him, sounding like a warble he heard Phil make before, surprising him so much he slapped a hand over his mouth to stop the sound. Eyes snapping to Ranger who was looking at him with a tilted head. "Shut up." He snapped, even thought the little bird had made no sound.

He reached his hand over his shoulder to try and reach the base of his wing, a need to scratch an itch that just seemed to grow the longer he went without preening. He couldn't remember going so long without fingers card and preening and chasing the pinching and itching away, when he was with Phil. Ranger seeing his struggle flitted over and combed their beak through some of the feathers. While comforting, the little crow was just too small to really help Quackity take care of his wings. "Thanks but its not enough." He grunted, going to the wall of the room, pressing his back against the concrete and rubbing his wings harshly against them, wincing when a few were pulled out from the treatment. It hurt but it took the itching away too.

Ranger twittered, doing circles in the room, pausing every now and then at the door. Before repeating the process.

"Its not safe out there. They could still be looking. Just a little longer, then I'll let you out." Quackity shook his head.

The little crow screeched driving at his head and yanking at his hair with their talons, before circling the room again, then to the door. Quackity rubbed where his hair had been pulled, hesitating. He had been wary about letting Ranger back outside without. Ranger was Phil's crow. There was nothing stopping the little crow from flying back to the Crow hybrid. Now Quackity wasn't worried about Ranger giving his location up, he was more worried about Ranger not returning. He didn't want to risk losing the little crow.

Ranger perched on the doors handle and stared at Quackity when he made no movement. And somehow the little crow seemed to be giving puppy dog eyes to him.

"Will- Will you come back?" He dared to asked.

Ranger nodded their head once.

Taking a deep breath and pushing the part of him away that didn't want to let Ranger out, Quackity went and opened the door. Ranger flying out the moment the door cracked open with a happy trill. Behind him Quackity's wings flapped a few time watching the little crow disappear from the rubble they were hidden under and disappear.

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