Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Two more days passed, with the same routine. Quackity slept on the couch, with the ever present eyes of Techno or the weird crows watching him; making sure he didn't run again. Then came breakfast with Techno announcing what he expected Quackity to do for Phil. It was all rinse and repeat really. Which wasn't so bad. At least Techno wasn't trying to act like they were friends. That was one thing Quackity respected about Techno, the man was blunt about his intentions. None of that manipulative bullshit others would usually pull. On the bright side he guessed Phil was getting better. The man hadn't woken up yet, which sucked. Thankfully, Techno hadn't put him back in the basement again, with Hubert and Fool, the two monsters that were apparently a few of Techno's pets.

Today was no different it seemed. Quackity had completed his morning routine, and playing nursemaid for the moment, and was currently, having a staring contest with the big crow with otherworldly blue eyes; Brian. He still found the murder of crows weird, but this one was just creepy, and far bigger than the other crows that seemed normal. Techno had said, they were Phil's and Brian had been a gift or something, from someone; Techno refused to elaborate who the gifter had been, and Quackity took that statement as the crows were Phil's pets, or something.

Now the reason, Quackity was currently having a staring contest and with a crow, was because Techno refused to let him go outside. Apparently he didn't want Quackity to get any ideas or something. Of course. what Techno assumed he could do. Quackity didn't know. He honestly, didn't have the will power to really put up a fight anymore. Even if he wanted too, it was pointless at this point.

He'd never tell anyone, but Quackity hadn't been feeling like himself lately. Actually he hadn't been feeling like himself for years. Starting with the day his wings had sprouted, to the time he entered L'manberg, to Jschalatt taking office. Things just seemed to go from bad, to worse no matter which way he turned, and now being captured and held prisoner by his greatest enemy, for nothing more than to play nurse, because he had fucking wings?! It was laughable. His life so far, up to this point was laughable. Which was why Quackity had tried to move away, and distance himself. Maybe find peace. Or maybe permanent retirement like Techno. If Techno could be trusted on that fact anyway.

"You know, you don't act like a true avian." Techno said out of the blue, as he polished his ax.

Quackity broke eye contact with the big crow. The bird cawing as it flew away and up the stairs. Right now, to Quackity's knowledge it was the only bird in the house right now. "What?" He asked.

"You don't act like an avian hybrid should act." Techno repeated with a shrug of his shoulders.

"And what the hell is that suppose to mean?!" Quackity could feel his feather lift a bit. He was fine with how quiet the room was. He like the quiet truce he and Techno had made. But it seemed Techno just had to break that truce and try and have a conversation, by insulting his actions as an avian.

"Well, Phil and Tommy, make birds sounds, especially when their instincts get trigger, or in stressful situation. You, do not." Techno stated. "You also don't nest. Its obvious you don't preen or upkeep your wings. Its weird." He said, starting to polish the ax again, not making eye contact with Quackity the entire time.

"Maybe I just have better control than them." Quackity scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Its normal."

"It most certainly is not normal." A new voice said, from the stairway, causing Quackity and Techno to jump to their feet. Standing on the bottom step was Phil, one wing sitting relaxed on his back and the other held open a bit from the splint and bandages, already wearing his green and white striped bucket hat, with the big crow perched on his shoulder.

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