Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Phil had cuddled and cooed over a un-responding Quackity, the whole way back to the house, while riding Carl. Holding the guy like he was a little kid, which with how old Phil was, Quackity was a kid. Heck even Techno looked like a kid in Phil's eyes. The little crow assigned to Quackity flew up ahead, and seemed to disappear into the murder of crows that always followed Phil around. Phil was constantly hissing at Techno whenever he got too close. Which fair. Techno understood, Phil's brooding instinct could be brutally strong, when it seemed one of his fledglings were hurt. Although Techno was a bit upset that Phil's instincts weren't a bit more selective as to who was a good fledgling or at least his own fledglings. But he couldn't complain either considering this was mostly on par for what he had seen over the years, with himself, Wilbur, and Tommy. But there was no controlling a person when it came to instincts. Techno was just waiting for Phil to come off his instincts. And he didn't have to wait long after once they actually made it back to the house.

"I can't believe you Techno. I mean really? Fear?" Phil practically hissed, holding Quackity in his lap once they were back in the nest room. "That is not a healthy attempt to get him to listen to those instincts.

'Uh, oh.'

'Dadza's mad.'




'We in trouble.'


'Kick Quckity out of the nest!' The voices whispered. Techno promptly ignored them.

"What did you want me to do Phil? He wasn't going to listen to you and not to me. So it was either knock him out and risk you attacking me. Or scare him into submission." Techno huffed, standing outside the door of the nest room. Phil wouldn't let him in the room, after he brought Quackity up from the ravine, with eyes blown wide and lost to his instincts. Of course once Phil had Quackity safe in the nest, the crow hybrids instincts had calm and now he was chewing Techno out for the state Quackity was in. "Besides...It was the voices idea." He finished, not meeting Phil's eyes.

"That's no excuse Techno. You can't blame stuff on the voices. You're not sixteen and immature anymore." Phil scolded. "He's going to fight. Its expected with the history you and him have."

"Fine. I'm sorry." Techno huffed, not liking with being reminded how much little control he had when he was younger.

Phil let out a sigh before carefully standing and placing Quackity's head on a pillow, before going out in the hall with Techno, who wasn't pouting about not being allowed inside."I accept it, but you got to apologize to him to. And you got to put money in the Blood Jar."

'Not the Blood Jar!'


'What are we kids again?'

'Ah, to be a kid again.'

'Our enemy. The Blood Jar!'


'This is Dadza stupid.'

'Fifty cents enough you think?'

'Price might have went up now that we're grown.' The voices wailed, making the Blood jar sound like a curse word.

"Aww, come on Phil...." Techno said. He had thought Phil had tossed those jars as soon as he, Tommy, and Wilbur had went out to explore the world. Apparently not if the man brought the jars with him when he moved in. "I can't believe you still have those jars. I'm a grown man, Phil."

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