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pls give me ideas
theos pov

boris was spending way to much time at kotkus, i rarely even saw him, apart from the few days i went to school. though mostly he wasn't there. he never came to stay the night at my house anymore, and he didn't even come to walk popchyk with me like he did sometimes. even when i did see him, which was maybe once or twice in a fortnight, if that, it was always about kotku. how kotku was so gorgeous. how she was oh so amazing. and even worse, how great of a kisser she was. like i give a shit.

i was sat at my tiny desk, listening to nirvana because my mother liked it, doing some homework that was way overdue. then i heard a knock coming from my door. "come in!" i yelled, not even looking up from the barely decipherable words on the textbook pages.

i was expecting my dad or xandra, but they went out about an hour ago, so they wouldn't be back by at least midnight. it shocked me to see boris standing in my doorway, wearing one of his many red sweaters. i swear he had around a thousand of those.

i closed my boring textbook and turned the music off before walking over to him. he seemed distraught and...angry?

"i thought you were at kotku's" i said, surveying his face for any clues as to what happened.

"yeah i was" he replied, not looking at me, but looking at the wall behind me.

"so, what are you doing here? you haven't even texted or called in the past week, and i haven't seen you at school. what, have you just forgotten about me?" i snapped at him.

his eyes glassed over and he started hugging himself, "no, potter, i didn't forget about you. it's just that kotku doesn't like you very much"

so just because his prick of a girlfriend didn't like me, he ghosted me all week.

"screw you" i yelled at him, running out of my own house into the derelict street in front.

he ran after me, shouting something that wasn't distinguishable in the rain and thunder.

"potter! please, wait!"

"no! you only come to me to bitch about kotku and to be honest, i couldn't give a shit about her. you obviously don't give a shit about me"

"i do care"

"yeah, well, it doesn't seem like that"

"fine, but please, it's storming, so go back inside"

"so now you care?"

"you've only got a soaking shirt on, so you're gonna get sick"

that's the last thing i remember before i apparently blacked out.

i woke up to boris angrily screaming at someone on the phone, but when he saw me, he paused and hung up the phone.

i noticed that i was wearing two of my, boris's, sweaters and some old shorts, which were probably boris's too. i tried to get up but my head started pounding a bit too much, so i decided to just lay back in bed and close my eyes in an attempt to make it hurt less.

boris came over to me and sat on the side of my bed. i opened my eyes slightly to see him, but i didn't have my glasses on, so he was just a blurry blob in the air to me. he reached for my glasses on the little table and put them on my face so that i could see him better.

"you're sick" he said, with an indistinguishable expression on his face.

"yeah? i don't care" i snapped back

boris took my hand in his own, and looked directly in my eyes. "please," he pleaded, "i'll take popchyk for a walk, i'll get you some medicine, just stay here and rest"

i rolled my eyes and scoffed "it's just a bad hangover, give me a cigarette and some alcohol or whatever"

boris seemed deeply offended at this, as if i called him a homophobic slur twenty seven times. he went around the room collecting all the discarded cigarette packs and threw them in his coat pocket.

"no. no drugs, no nothing. okay? i'm gonna get you some medicine from the shop. i'll be back soon"

this bitch. pretty sure he was only going out to see kotku or whatever because he and i both knew that there was medicine of all sorts in the box in the bathroom.

i barely managed to crawl over to said box to get some painkillers. it was about 15 minutes after boris left, and he still wasn't back. as i said, probably with kotku or something.

the dumbass left his coat draped over my chair, instead of taking it with him, so i looked in the pockets and pulled out a cigarette and his lighter, which was actually mine.

i jumped back into my bed and lit the cigarette, just waiting for boris to come back, maybe with kotku, maybe not. who knows? who cares?

(obviously you)

boris only wanted to be around me when kotku broke up with him or he broke up with kotku for god knows what reason. she probably cheated on him, like the last thousand times they broke up. it was probably her on the phone too, arguing. 

it doesn't necessarily mean that i care. yes, i do miss boris when he's not here, but it doesn't bother me when they make out in front of me.

does it?

just then, the front door slammed, and i knew it was boris because xandra and my dad went to italy or something for some months.

"boris?" i yelled, hoping he would hear me.

he came upstairs and shut the door, quietly this time.

he whispered "kotku's here, i hope you don't mind, just don't do anything too loud okay?"

the fuck? i mean i thought he was meeting kotku, but bringing her over to my house? telling me to be quiet?

"no" i said plainly, i wasn't gonna be quiet in my own house.

"no?" he asked, confused.

"no. i am not gonna be quiet" i was yelling by now, kotku could definitely hear me, "i couldn't give a shit that kotku is here, okay? she can go fuck herself for all i care"

he was looking in my eyes, whilst his glossed over. "potter..." he trailed off. "what?"

"i love you, not her, i brought her here so that i could break up with her, once and for all"

boris loves me?

"liar" i said.

i didn't have a plan for this, it sorta came out of my mind and yes it is a mess

1110 words

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