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i haven't updated in ages because i've been sick but this is gonna be a massive chapter x
it was always boris and theo, theo and boris. when theo wasn't with boris, people would ask "where's that boris guy you're always with?" or something similar. when boris wasn't with theo, which barely ever happened, everyone would ask "where's that short kid with glasses you always hang out with?". no one actually knew who theo was, they just knew that he hung out with the most popular boy there, boris. boris was the type of guy to get into fights with everyone, whether they instigated it or not. he didn't get good grades in most subjects, except maths and sometimes history. theo, however, was the complete opposite of him; he stayed out of trouble even when the other person was being a wanker towards him. theo was the top of all his classes without studying, he just got somewhat high and drunk before classes, and somehow he did well.
theo loves boris, but not in the "brother" way,
in the "husband" way, if you know what i mean.

and that's where the story begins, two best friends, one madly in love with the other. the other, well, he's making out with girls to try and suppress his feelings for the other one.

theos pov:
"hey boris!" some random kid in the hallway said as he passed by us, "oh and hi...theo?"

"yeah it's theo" i said, giving that awkward half smile thing, but he already walked away. being the most popular boy in school, for all the wrong reasons by the way, everyone knew boris. but no one knew me because i was that quiet kid in the back of the class.

i'm pretty sure the only reason that boris is popular is because he's that fit druggie that all the girls want do, and all the boys want to be. he gets into fights a lot, mainly because someone slagged him off, or his girlfriend got asked out by other guy, and guess who had to deal with that. he wouldn't hurt me though, even if i was being a dick when drunk. i guess he was nice in that way. to me at least.

"...that's why you should be more popular" i heard boris say next to me, obviously going on about something, but i wasn't listening.


"were you listening?"


how was i even meant to get popular? me. theodore decker. if popular people got popular by dating girls and doing drugs, then i have a chance,i guess, but im not interested in any of the girls at school.

me and boris were going to english class together, because we had a new teacher since the old one became a druggie and left the school, he might of died because he was 92, but who knows. also i don't do well with new teachers.

"hello class, my name is esme, but you call me miss cooper" the new teacher, miss cooper, gave boris a little smile and then glared at me.

me and boris sat on the same table we always did,  the one right at the back where people couldn't really see what happened and another plus to that is i didn't get called on a lot.

"kid with glasses, at the back...yes you. you sit at the front, right here, in front of me" she said. i had no choice but to move, since i couldn't really say no to her. i wanted to sit next to boris, i always did, but i had to move.

i took my bag and moved to the desk she told me to.

"okay, get out your books out" the teacher said, staring at boris in particular for some reason.

i didn't have my book, because me and boris had a little too much to drink at the park, so we slept on the sandy floor together. we only woke up about 10 minutes before the bus was meant to come, so we ran back to my house and got changed into clothes that weren't covered in sand and dirt and whatever other "substances" are on that ground.

i grabbed my bag and not my book, boris didn't either.

i put my hand up to ask miss cooper something, getting embarrassed because the whole class went silent. she looked directly in my eyes and ignored me.

"um excuse me miss, i don't have my book" i said anxiously.

"well, i don't know what you want me to do. you need that book for this lesson, if you don't have it then i'm going to have to give you a detention"

"just for forgetting my book?"

"yes, mr decker, and if you continue to answer back, i'm going to send you to the principle"

then boris put his hand up, and miss instantly answered him, "sorry, miss, i also forgot my book, do i have detention too?"

"no, of course not, that's fine, just remember it next time" she said, with a really stupid smile on her ugly face.

"so why do i get one then?" i interrupted. her smile faded real quick after that.

"because i can tell you obviously are trouble and i said that you talk back then your going to the principle, so go"

i grabbed my bag off the floor and left the room, with all the eyes on me. when i was in the class, anger took over my anxiety of speaking out, but now i was more anxious then ever. boris said that the principle could be a cunt to anyone, no matter what they did.

instead i went to the bathroom, because no one is ever in there. i got a cigarette out from a pocket in my bag and lit it with a match.

the door swung open, revealing boris standing there like the man emoji.

"what do you want, boris"

"you just left the class and i guessed you didn't actually go to the office or whatever and you always come here so..."

he went over to me and got a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. he put one in his mouth and took a lighter out from somewhere.

"what did miss cooper do?" i asked him.

he shrugged "typed something on her computer and then i left so i don't know"

"she probably emailed principle or something, we should ditch"

"the bus doesn't go this early, does it?"

"it might, we can always walk back to my house i guess"

"are you insane, potter? it's 30 minutes"

"please, i'll do anything"

"fine, only for you"

i don't know why, but those last three words made me blush a little. thank god it wasn't that visible.

we left the bathroom, going to the second floor window on the science corridor, because of the vines you could climb down that let you down right next to the gates. the gates opened easily if you kicked the lock.

just when boris was about to open the gate, some teacher in a suit came up right behind us, it was a little creepy to be honest.

"hello boys, i see you are trying to escape school, again"

"no we aren't"

guys this is gonna be my last thing on here but i'm gonna start an actual book thing cause i think it's easier READ THAT WHEN I MAKE IT

love you lots

1244 words

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