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you losers will never find out what happens in the last chapter, jk i love you lot
theos pov

i was sat on the couch with a bottle of beer watching some movie from the 1970's. it was around midnight now, and my dad and xandra were having dinner together. boris was at his own house, maybe with kotku, maybe not. i don't care if he hangs out with her more than me.

i went upstairs to grab my phone to text him, even though he was probably high or drunk, or both.

(btw this is each other's contact names)

potter ❤️
hey boris, you busy?

boris <3
nah, why? do you want a kiss from me 😘

potter ❤️
get your slimy ass over here

boris <3
you didn't say no

potter ❤️
stfu and bring vodka

he read my message so that must mean that he was coming over and with alcohol too. another drunk night, to then be followed by a shitty day consisting of laying in bed, or on the couch, until we force ourselves up to either get more alcohol of god knows what sort and then the cycle repeats, or we attempt at not drinking for the rest of the day. most of the time, instead of drinking, we get high on some dodgy drugs that boris got from kotku. very occasionally we go two days without feeding into our addictions. we say that we are gonna stop, but we never do.

consumed in my own thoughts, i didn't notice the front door open, revealing boris with a bottle of vodka and kotku.

he went over to me, kotku obviously unwillingly trailing behind him.

"you didn't tell me that you were bringing her" i said, rolling my eyes.

"i thought you knew" boris said, staring at me as if to say don't roll your eyes at her

"you didn't tell me that she was coming"

"do you have a problem with it?"

"well yeah. i don't want some emo bitch i don't even like hanging around at my place"

"take that back, theo"

"no. i don't think i will. because you didn't even say that she was coming and you expect me to not say anything. you want me to like your girlfriend, but she doesn't like me"

"yeah he's not wrong" kotku interrupted.

"theo, apologise to her"

"why should i?"

"because you were rude to her"

"leave this house please, and take the bottle and the twat with you"

"fine, i'll leave. don't expect me to come back"


he grabbed kotku by the waist and told her to wait outside. boris grabbed the bottle off the coffee table and dropped it on the floor. the glass smashed against the wooden floors. popper woke up because of the loud crash and yelped. the loud crash made me jump backwards and reminded me of the museum.

boris gave me an apologetic look, because he knew when i got all shaky and stuff, it was because i was reminded of that night.

"i'm sorry. i shouldn't have done that. it scared you and popchyk too. i'll help clean it up" boris said quickly.

"no, it's fine" i stuttered out, "i can manage this on my own. plus your girlfriends waiting outside"

"she can wait. let me clean this up, please. it's my fault"

"yeah okay fine, i'll get the stuff for you"

"thank you"

i got the things i thought he would need, such as gloves. but when i came back to the living room, he was picking up shards of glass with his bare hands.

inevitably, he cut his hand on one of the shards.

"for fucks sake boris, couldn't you have waited?"

"no i could not have waited"

"well you cut yourself and now you've gotten blood on the floor, as well as that bottle you smashed"

"no shit"

"just leave this shit now, i'll clean it up later. i've gotta bandage your hand"

"nah it's fine, i'll clean this up then i'll do my hand"

"boris its literally covered in blood. not to mention you are getting more and more blood on the floor"

"so where are the bandages and shit?"

"upstairs in my bathroom"

"why in yours and not the main one?"

"reasons, boris, reasons"

"what's that meant to mean?"

i didn't answer him, i just took his not bloody hand in my own and pulled him upstairs with me. i took him into my room and literally threw him on my bed.

i took xandras perfume, as i had done when boris got beaten up. he hates it because it apparently stings. i don't actually know if it does, he's always dramatic.

when he saw me holding the little bottle of perfume he got up and ran to the other side of the room.

"boris, what the fuck? it's just perfume"

boris looked flabbergasted as if i was suggesting that he'd put bleach in it or something.

"no, theodore, it's not just perfume"

i rolled my eyes, "yes, boris, it is. now sit down, will you? do you want it to get infected"

"fine then"

i cleaned it up, somewhat decently, and bandaged it up.

"hey, isn't kotku waiting for you?"

"nah, probably not, she waits for 30 seconds and leaves"

"oh right"

"can i stay the night here?"

"why are you asking, you just stay anyway"

"i don't know? so that's a yes?"

"well yeah"

i gave him one of his t-shirts that i stole from him ages ago, but never gave back.

i went downstairs to clean up the bottle and stuff, and when i returned, he was fast asleep in my bed. i smiled and went to shower and brush my

i laid down next to him, wearing his red sweater. "your hairs wet" he said sleepily.


"nice sweater too" he smirked.

"thanks, now sleep. i'm tired"

boris put his arm around my waist and used his other hand to play with my hair.

"what are you doing?"

"you said you're tired. am helping you sleep" the slavic tone in his accent was more prominent.

"you do that"

"i love you, potter"
i've been sick so i'm sorry that i haven't posted the longest ever chapter. i promise that i will post longer and somewhat better chapters in the future <3

1054 words

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