Witch Hunt

289 18 34

Chapter One

Witch Hunt



February 2, 2000

"We truly are sorry, Naruto. We were hopeful that this treatment would at the very least slow down the progression of Sasuke's condition and perhaps give us a building foundation towards finding a cure, but...unfortunately, there hasn't been any positive changes from last weeks numbers. In fact, his levels of degradation has accelerated in the last week. With this treatment being experimental, there was a slim chance his numbers would trend in the wrong direction, and, sadly, Sasuke, your results fall within that slim percentile. At this point, it's best we discontinue this treatment entirely and start from scratch again. Tsunade-sama will continue to work with his samples, but, for now, there's simply nothing further we can do. We'll reach out to you the moment anything changes. Good luck to you both. "

Tonight's onyx sky was a near endless void, starless and dotted with a sparse scattering of opaque clouds, yet saved from total darkness by the eerie silvery illumination of the dual moons hanging suspended within the cosmic backdrop. Shining bright above the Village Hidden in Leaves, Ceprian, the bigger of the two celestial bodies, sat looming behind Zyran, creating a beautiful navy ring around the miniature sphere's circumference. It was a serene image, one filled with wonder and serenity, but was completely lost on the two men leaving behind what had essentially been their last hope.

"That was a waste of time," the last vampire of the Uchiha scoffed, stepping through the doors of the clinic and out into the crisp night, "I told you that before you booked the appointment."

Irritation roared to the forefront like a raging tide, momentarily eclipsing the soul deep grief of the heartsick blonde following behind the brunette.

"Not doing this with you tonight, if you're not gonna be positive then fuckin stop talking," the werefox growled.

Pessimistic, cynical, grumpy on the best of days, Sasuke Uchiha had never been anything close to happy-go-lucky in his life, and Naruto was no stranger to his mate's dower default. He was pretty much used to it having spent their childhood through adulthood teasing him out of it, but after the news they'd been sucker punched with tonight, Naruto couldn't take Sasuke's negativity right now.

This appointment's revelations were painful enough.

Jaw tightening, Naruto passed his lover by at a clipped pace, seething and fighting the urge to give into the violence festering beneath his tan skin.

A stiff breeze ruffled his bright blonde locks, the cool air struggling against the heat radiating from his body.

This whole night felt like a bad dream.

He wanted it be a bad dream.

He'd had hope, fucking optimistic idiot that he was.

Hope that this was it, that things would finally start to get better after all the shit they'd gone through just to get their foot in the door of this place!

Senju Healing and Treatment.

A place where the impossible was made possible. Where miracles were common place.

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