The Power of a Name

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Chapter Six

The Power of a Name


Unknown Marshland

February 7th, 2000

Consciousness languidly unfurled within the confines of her mind, shining its insistent light beyond the hazy fog of her exhausted slumber, burning away the cobwebs clinging to her disorganized thoughts, rousing her slumbering perception, and reconnecting her to reality.

Distantly awake and aware, Hinata's groggy senses began to feel the biting chill of her skin slowly growing more pronounced, and the lashing wind brining a sting to her goose pebbled flesh. The ache in her muscles was blooming, radiating through the delicate strength below her dermis until it encompassed the entirety of her body. Profound weakness, akin to a heavy blanket, draped over her small form, anchoring it firmly to the soft earth below.

Misery settled inside her, pushing the air from her lungs as every negative sensation hit her all at once.

Something bumped her hand.

It was small but warm, cutting through her frigid discomfort.

She blinked three times before she could raise her droopy lids and take in a small sliver of her surroundings.

Muddy dirt, gray water and a turtle staring curiously at her.

It was bigger than her head, wrinkled in that cute way only turtles were able to be. Its scales were a continuation of the landscape, dreary and dull, a grayish green that was a reflection of the soggy vegetation floating along the marsh, though its dark eyes held a vibrancy at complete odds with their environment.

She could feel it's concern and weariness as it sluggishly bumped it's little head at her cold fingers once more, the sensation distant but distinct enough for her to feel it's whispered flow. She poured her own feelings of reassurance at it, hoping her false impression would take away it's worry.

She didn't have a natural ability to communicate verbally or telepathically with animals, nor was she well versed in the magical formula of acquiring that skill, but she was in tune with forests and all the creatures that lived within it, and sometimes, that ability could stretch, just barely, to animal energy in general. It was often hit or miss, arising randomly as it was now. She wasn't sure why, only that some animals were special enough to forge a gateway between their emotions and hers.

Seemingly satisfied with her response, her little turtle friend went on his merry way, striding away with all the urgency and speed of a snail. Dazed, she watched him find his way back to the murky water, time seemingly speeding by despite his slow gait.

She came to herself as he submerged himself up to his little head and floated away.

Dragging her shaky body from the comfort of mud, Hinata willed her trembling limbs to cooperate. She pushed up with both hands, dragged herself to her knees and paused. Wheezing a breath, rejecting the bile in her throat and the darkness lapping at her vision, Hinata scraped the bottom of her strength for just a tiny bit more. Several moments of harsh breathing and whimpered agony passed her lips before she pushed herself again. Hefting her torso up, she placed a bare foot to the ground, barely gave it her weight only for the quivering limb to give out. She tumbled, landing heavily on her bottom, head spinning as she struggled to remain upright.

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