Nothing Between Us

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Chapter Five

Nothing Between Us


Unknown Marshland

February 4, 2000

Blown across time and space, Hinata careened down a steep embankment, snapping loose jutting rocks as she rolled, staining her skin with dead grass, grit and dirt. Her collision course with the debris of nature did nothing to divert her mind from the stabbing agony throbbing at her neck or the scorching heat pumping through her veins, nor the piercing pounding bludgeoning her skull. She burned inside, as though her internal organs were slowly melting into mush, as though those mushy innards were dripping acid and would burn through her flesh and bone given enough time. Compared to her internal torment, every bump and slam of this slanted dirt mound turned battering ram was little more than a distant ache.

She came to a abrupt stop in a cold marshy pit just deep enough to envelope her head.

Icy water engulfed her body, its frigid temperature a shock to her system.

She struggled, flailing beneath the pool of muddy liquid and rotting vegetation with uncoordinated limbs, swallowing a mouthful of the disgusting fluid in her wild struggle for air.

Panicking, she swam-kicked for the surface, letting out a piercing scream as she rose to the top.

Her blindly thrashing hands connected with something mushy but solid.

She latched on with both hands, fingers sinking into muddy wall of the pit.

Hanging on for dear life, Hinata let out another pained scream, her tormented cry echoing across the empty marsh. Excruciating spasms cycled her body with every pump of her racing heart, she could feel each contraction like the drag of barbwire beneath her flesh.

Lips parting in a voiceless scream, Hinata's mind crawled towards madness as a new evolution of suffering slowly began to build.

Merciless pressure squeezed her insides, driving what felt like serrated blades through her muscles.

Dark circles dotted her vision, consciousness dimmed...

She went under again, briefly, drawing in a lung full of water.

A burst of adrenaline jerked her back to alertness, propelling a second fight for the surface. She broke through in the midst of a coughing fit, reaching out blindly for the muddy wall again. Her trembling fingers burrowing into the squishy outer side of the pit, clenching desperately in the much to keep herself afloat as harsh coughs racked her small frame.

She moaned misery with each one, weeping as they amplified her pain.

She heaved, lungs protesting violently as her next hacking cough brought forth a viscus fluid. Black sludge splattered the muddy water, touching her chest, throat and sinuses in lava as it left her body. She wheezed, shaking all over as shards of pain carved deep groves down to what felt like her very soul.

She cried out again, wailing her agony to the surrounding mud soaked terrain.

Her grip slipped, nearly sending her careening back into the marsh.

She had to get out.

The agonizing pain was throwing her body into chaos, she'd drown at this rate.

Calling on every ounce of strength in her weakened limbs, the sickly witch pulled herself from the water on arms that quaked, instantly cradling her pounding temples the moment she was fully on land. A hellish choirs of wails filled her ears, keening a melody so horrendous, so terrible, she feared her sanity would bleed through her ears. Pain battered her head, pounding inside her cranium like the beating of a million hammers.

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