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Chapter Two



Land of Giants

February 2, 2000

Gazing down into the massive valley from the highest point overlooking the Land of Giants, Hinata scanned the landscape surrounding her next destination, pale eyes moving slowly, apprehensively, from one corner to the other.

A vibrant combination of lush green and hopeless browns, the lowland boasted beautiful mountains, some of which were enclosed behind gargantuan sized ivory walls connected to super sized gate that stretched so high into the night sky that it gave the illusion it extended into the cosmos. Infrequent, curbing paths of healthy grass and rolling hills wound around and inside the stronghold, an abundance of dying vegetation and dried up rivers accenting the tragic terrain on both sides of the walls.

The Land of Giants was a wasteland still struggling to recover from the devastating aftermath of witchcraft.

She could see pockets of dying magic all over this land she'd need to avoid, and sense threads of incomplete curses lingering like fading ribbons that she might be able to unravel and dispel completely. For witch not steeped in the dark arts, the left over fallout from battles and atrocities long past was an extra layer of hazards to the already inhospitable area.

She'd have to take care here, certainly, but Hinata wasn't too worried about her ability to survive in this flagging environment.

It was the inhabitants residing within the enormous ivory walls she feared more.

There were...Naturals living here.

Hundreds upon hundreds of real live Naturals, and not just any Naturals either.


Various races of compacted giants; Cyclopes, Gegeines, Ogres, Ettin, some even a mix of giants.

Thankfully, Hinata hadn't seen a single one of the dreaded Hecatoncheires, but that didn't mean it wasn't lurking within the steep mountains or behind the formidable walls of the village.

She spotted several Trolls interwoven in the populous, Goblins and even a few Orcs.

All coexisting, peacefully.

Sharing space as thought it were natural.

She found this particularly interesting considering the bloody history many of these creatures shared with each other, and their historical dislike for the very existence of each other.

Amazed, Hinata leaned forward on her high perch as she watched the Naturals move through their lives.

This particular piece of land was once a final resting ground for powerful beings. The Naturals that had made it their home had shaped this former graveyard into a thriving town, a moderate pocket of civilization that was in the infancy stage of industrialization. They had homes of bricks and steel, businesses and shops brightly lit not with the power of magic, but...electricity.

They wore woven clothes just as witches did, and seemed to speak a unified language.

Despite the her apprehension, she was fascinated by the vast changes time had wrought.

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