the hotel

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Note: this is mosty y/n's pov

You thought it would be fun to explore an abandoned hotel, at least you thought it was a hotel? You don't know what you were thinking really

You were sort of drowning in your thoughts and vibing to the music when the elevator made a noise and opened the door. You were surprised that the elevator was still working, to say the least.

After entering, you noticed there was a locked door, so you looked around when you noticed a key. You thought it was odd that they had just left there but you took the key anyways, opened the door and looked around. It was mostly empty, just some book shelves and another door, but this time it wasn't locked. It said "002". You were a bit confused. Well, yes you were in an abandoned hotel but weren't there supposed to be a hallway with doors and not just a single one?

You ignored your concerns and opened the door not expecting to see anything. There were still book shelves but there were also closets, 2 closets and some drawers. You decided to open one and see what was inside and you saw some old stuff and..

Some gold!

Once you were going to get out of this place, you knew you were gonna sell it and be rich! But for now you wanted to explore more, so you put the gold in your pocket.

You carried on opening doors, some needed keys and some of them were hallways that had doors like a normal hotel had! But they didn't have any numbers, which you found odd. It seemed like only the doors with numbers would lead you to a new place.

You opened door "027" and the lights flickered. You were startled and confused. You started hearing a noise from afar. You were scared, but you had an idea to hide in one of the closets and so you did, but the whole time you felt like someone was either watching you or someone was there with you. You were quickly pushed out of your thoughts again by something that sped past you while you were in the closest. As soon as it seemed to be gone, you left that closet and walked to the next room. You didn't need to open it, the thing seemed to open it for you.

You were opening doors blindly as you were overthinking about the creature that sped past, but when you opened door "035" there were eyes staring at you, you froze in shock, but they seemed to be harmless. You took a closer look and they seemed to come from a gooey ink like sustenance. You didn't dare touch it although it did seem cute for some reason. Maybe because you were highly into weirdcore you loved it.

The eye blinked and you realised you were still staring at it. You apologised to it although it couldn't respond. Of course, it was just an eye you just had a habit of saying sorry sometimes for even no reason.

As you stepped into the next room, the eyes appeared again. More of them. Maybe they were mad at you for staring? You apologised again and again but more of them appeared in the next room. You felt like you were being watched. Well, you were being watched by the eyes, so that feeling made sense. You went into the next room. It was a long hallway without the eyes. You thought that maybe they had forgiven you?..

(It's name is bob ^^^)

HAHAHAHAHAHHA cliffhanger!
But seriously I hope you enjoyed reading this part as well as I did writing it!!

Words: 618

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