the run

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You walked along the hallway not really expecting much. To be honest, you were just happy that the eyes forgave you.

Your thoughts were destroyed by an unexpected noise. You quickly turned around and saw the same goop that was around the eyes from before, but this time there was an 8 8-foot monster coming out.

You started running not knowing where you were going to go but there seemed to be oddly convenient ways to get you through it all, under the closets and into the doors. This continued for a short while until the fire hallway came and you Are VERY afraid of fire. You tried to cover your nose but it didn't work and you ended up passing out halfway through it.

You woke up in a bed that you didn't remember  getting into. All you remember is that you were near fire. Even thinking about it has made you scared ever since the accident.. you would rather not think about it right now.

You felt like you were being watched and you looked around and saw the eyes again from earlier. You stared in confusion and then it hit you.

The 8-foot monster was watching you. They were the eyes. Was it still mad at me?? And why am I here? Did it put me here?

Suddenly, something arose from the ground. It was the monster. You froze in shock while staring. It didn't seem to notice you although it did seem to be holding something and it seemed to make a noise like a bark? But it was more like a screech.

The monster started talking about how people should really stop entering their home and that they were sad that they had to kill them.

You felt shocked. You had no idea it could talk and that this place was their home.

The barking thing saw you and started barking at you. The noise it made made your ears ring a bit, so you covered your ears and closed your eyes.

3rd person povvvvv nooowwwwwww

The monster tried to calm their "dog" but when it wouldn't stop, they looked at what it was barking at.

The person that passed out. The monster thought it was dead. They stared in confusion, the person didn't notice that the monster was staring at them.

The person opened its eyes and saw it was being stared at by the monster as it let go of the "dog" and walked over to the bed. All of the eyes in the bedroom seemed to stare at the person. Their anxiety was making them drip cold sweats as the monster came closer.

The monster looked angry and the person looked like they were on the verge of tears. In fear, the monster grabbed them like the dog, but more aggressively then the dog and started yelling at the person.

The person cried for empathy from the monster, saying they meant no harm. The monster seemed convinced but didn't say anything. They still didn't put the person down as they were still sobbing anxiously.

Y/n pov againnnnnn

You stared at the monster in tears as it held you tightly, almost like it was trying to kill you. The monster noticed and slightly let go of you. You cried more and couldn't help yourself hugging the monster. As you cried, the monster seemed embarrassed and quickly let go of you onto the bed. You cried and rolled into a ball.

The monster felt guilty for yelling at you and tried to apologise. You calmed down a bit and stopped crying. Still shocken you tried saying that it was okay, but it seemed to come out half gibberish although the monster seemed to understand you, but it still felt guilty for trying to kill you.

The monster didn't want to kill you. It thought of maybe keeping you alive and not killing you. It was just tired of killing at this point.

It may or may not be 5 am rn but I'm having the time of my life writing this

Words: 695

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