returning the ___

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Days went by fast and you got more Comfortable around the monsters and you got introduced to everyone seek also had to show you that the fire was fake and that you could turn it off only if you believed it was real it would hurt apparently.

You also learned seek didn't express their emotions very well so you started saying "I love you" hoping they'd eventually warm to expressing their own emotions some day. At first saying the "I love you" was platonic but over time you realised and accepted your emotions for this monster; although you knew deep down they would never like you back they barely knew how to express their own emotions.

But after a while your feelings grew and you decided you were going to tell them even if they didn't like you back you still needed to get this off of your chest badly.

But the timing never felt right when it did someone else started talking to them you got more and more upset the more times this happened and gave up on the idea and just stayed in bed depressed for days. One day seek came in with food for you and asked what was wrong with you and why you were in bed so much.

You don't stop yourself from splitting all your emotions to them as they just stared at you "and I thought I was the one who could share emotions-" they stopped mid sentence when they saw the sad look on y/n's face knowing that they were serious..

3rd person pov bc I feel like it lol

"I know you don't feel the same.. Just leave me alone please" y/n cried out that didn't really stop seek as they kissed y/n on the lips leaving y/n shocked, seek pulled away  Awkwardly standing  beside them to see their reaction. Y/n got up on the bed and kissed them back on the lips putting their hand on their chin while staring at them lovingly.

"Does this mean we're uh" seek started awkwardly "lovers? Yes of course my love." Y/n said happily. Kissing them again, y/n was definitely not expecting for seek to pick them up but they went along with it when seek stops in their tracks and told you there was people coming and that they needed to chase them "alright love see you around have fun!" You said in a cheeky voice As seek went.

You were feeling the happiest you had have in weeks you could now talk to them about more serious topics or something and the best part of this all was that the "I love you" had an effect you were smiling with joy as you heard people running past and you felt happy that your love was protecting it's home. You remembered about your home  and how no one probably noticed you were gone and haven't been home for 2 months but you didn't care anymore anyways you were happy here.


Sorry this is kinda shorter than the usual I hope yall enjoyed this though.

Also the finished title is returning the kiss


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