what a feeling.

763 16 9

Includs: angst and more fluff because I can

Seek looked uncomfortable as you stared at them zoned out. You fixated on their face. It seemed to have drops of sweat or the ink that never really seemed to fall off of them. You had a weird-ish feeling about this "monster"; were you catching feelings for an inky eye creature?? You refused to accept that this feeling was even there.

Seek started calling out for you to wake up from your day-dreaming and you did when they picked you up. You apologised and tried getting off but you realised that wouldn't work. Seek put you on their left shoulder and you just sort of stared in confusion at them until you noticed that they were talking to someone that looked like a rush but this time they looked like a murderer from that one movie "Scream".

Seek seemed to call this creature an "ambush". Although you didn't hear much of their conversation, you did manage to hear some of it. "I'm keeping this little human. They aren't really doing any harm" said seek, "but they may do something one day and just won't expect it!" Replied ambush but you ignored the rest of their conversation and dosed off on their shoulder.

You woke up in bed while something was cuddling you. You turned around, confused about who was there and saw, seek laying right next to you. You felt embarrassed. You did notice that you seemed to be the little spoon; "great never realised I'd be the little spoon" you thought, but you didn't mind it, at least you weren't alone. But it didn't really feel like seek it was a part of them, but they weren't really there..

You felt alone again like you always did when you were home, but this hotel didn't feel like home. Although your home never really felt like your home anyway. No one ever cared to ask if you liked living in your house. Well you didn't think it was something normal to ask someone, you still wished someone would have asked you that. You remember this one time you were at your grandma's. Your grandma was baking. You don't remember what she was baking but you remember it smelling amazing. You remember playing outside with some kids when you hurt yourself. No one tried helping you, so you ended up calling out for your grandma. Fortunately she heard you and came outside to help you. You went back to playing after that and grandma went back inside. A nice memory, right? Well..

Minutes later, you saw smoke. When you saw who's house it was- You stopped your thoughts when you felt tears Streaking down your face and realised that seek was now in the room with you.

3rd personnnn povvvv

Seek saw y/n crying after vey stared at the wall for a while and started asking if vey were okay. y/n seemed to ignore seek but in reality everything was so loud for them, it was all just so overwhelming. They were so close to passing out again. But seek was determined to keep them awake, but they had no idea how to do that they tried pocking y/n it didn't work Obviously after many attempts seek ended up just hugging them they didn't know what else to do. And y/n ended up passing out in their arms..

Hours later, Seek somehow managed to sleep but was awakened by a crying y/n hugging them tightly. Seek didn't know y/n thought they were dead but they still hugged them back, "I thought you were dead!" Y/n said, crying their eyes out as seek cuddled them.


I promise more will happen next episode yall


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