gentle giant

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You were still shaking with fear, not knowing what to do, since you were literally trapped in a room with an eye monster and a wormy dog thing. You ended up covering yourself with the covers of the bed, afraid of what the monster would do to you.

You heard the monster apologising for scaring you, you felt guilty and uncovered yourself a bit.

The monster came closer without a word said and..

It patted you on the head? You stared into it's eye, you saw a sort of slit underneath it's eye it wasn't another eye, it seemed like.. a mouth? Is that how it spoke? You were snapped out of your thoughts when the monster stared back at you and tilted it's head like it was either confused or focusing on you.

You looked away in embarrassment, blushing and buried your face in your hands hoping they hadn't noticed.

Suddenly, the door opened. There seemed to be a bony face without a body... The monster called the face "rush". You recognised the rush as the creature that sped past you earlier. You stared in fear and rush stared back in shock. Maybe they were expecting something?

Rush started yelling at the monster about not killing you to protect their home.

You realised that it was expecting you to be dead.

Although rush was a lot smaller than the monster, the monster seemed slightly scared of rush.

You stopped paying attention when you spotted a blob of inky stuff like the monster was made out of. It stared at you. Maybe the monster dropped it somehow?

You picked it up for comfort as you were drowning in anxiety. At this point, you didn't realise that the blob was a part of the monster, so they could watch you while being yelled at. It didn't expect you to pick it up.

Note: the monster can feel you holding itself lol

3rd person nowww

The monster ignored rush and looked over at the person as they hugged the blob.

Rush yelled at the monster to listen to them. The monster yelled back at them to shut up and that they wouldn't do it again.

Rush said something like "alright seek but if you do this again it's not gonna be good" before quickly leaving the room. Y/n overheard them.

Y/n pov againnnnn

You now know the monster's name, "seek" as in hide and seek? Is there someone called hide here too? Some strange names thx god(or whoever you believe in) that yours is y/n.

You were snapped out of your thoughts once again when the "dog" that screeches started barking at you. For no reason, you stared at it while the noise it made, made you almost pass out.

You were half conscious when seek took the dog away and started asking if you were okay  also apologising for "screech" their dog.

You sort of ignored them. Well, you were sort of half conscious, seek started tried to fully awaken you and you snapped out of it, but you did notice that you were staring at it's mouth. It had probably the longest tongue you had ever seen. You zoned out.

Once a fucking again, you were pushed out of your thoughts because seek picked you up to check if your okay. You had absolutely no idea how they were picking you up with such ease. They weren't that big of a guy.

You realised you were still being held and heard nothing of what was just being said, but you responded with "I'm fine, please put me down-" seek Immediately put you back down, but in reality you wanted them to hold you more, after all, it did make you feel a lot safer about being in an abandoned hotel but your anxiety made you almost unable to say a word.

You did manage to say one word however, a long "noooo". Well, it was quiet but, they seemed to hear it asked what you meant by "no" you gave them the uppie hands.



Hope yall enjoyed this


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