sleepy comfort..

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Seek seemed to understand although they did look kinda confused, but they still picked you up.

They seemed to grow in size. You definitely didn't know they could do that but you didn't care, all you cared about was about your anxiety, as you sort of panicked, not knowing how to calm down. Everything seemed to be happening too fast.

Seek started rocking you. You didn't really notice them doing that. You felt sleepy, It did feel kind of comforting to be held like a baby..

A few hours later, you woke up and the room was empty, not even a single eye on the wall; you felt alone, but you wanted to explore outside of the room for fun. Just as you were about to leave, you saw some drawers and remembered that there was gold in some that you had found earlier, so you opened them and found a flash light and more gold! With this discovery, you went out the room happy.

Your happiness didn't last very long after seeing fire. But the room you were in seemed to be
a secret room hidden in the hallway that had fire.


You fainted again. How great,
Time for seek to seek you in from hallway again lmao

Also, 3rd person nowww

Seek was chasing people who got in. When they saw y/n on the ground they continued to chase after the people until they got passed the door and quickly ran back to get y/n out of the near fire and got them back on to the bed worrying about them.

A few more hours later, as seek seemed to be "sleeping" in the room (in a puddle with their eyes closed lol), y/n woke up confused as ever and stared at the puddle of goopy ink beside the bed.

Y/n pov now!!

You stared at it when a voice suddenly spoke from behind you; "good morning", it said in a sarcastic yet kinda joyful voice. You turned around to see the inky stuff again on the wall, but a mouth instead of the usual eye. You got scared and backed up. You didn't realise you were already very close to the side of the bed.

You ended up falling into the puddle or what you thought was a puddle. You were way too dizzy to realise seek was once again holding you and when you did notice you rolled off of their hands in embarrassment, this time on the bed, thankfully.

Then seek asked if they did actually look scary enough for you to fall, you ended up not answering and turned away in guilt of making it feel bad about itself.

You didn't realise seek was a shape shifter even though it was very obvious you didn't know that they could.

You turned around apologising for not responding but you stopped mid sentence when you saw a black human guy starting back at you and you started panicking, questioning who they were and where seek was.

They answered with a simple "I am seek?" They did sound confused. You just stared in confusion as you tried to process. Seek turned back to their original gooby-inky self you quickly got out of bed and hugged them you didn't know why. you just seemed to be very attached to this creature.

They hugged you back without a word, but you felt water on your head a couple minutes later.. Were they crying? You thought to yourself and looked up at it while it was crying but it tried to hide the fact it was crying by looking away from you.

You stared at it in awe and realised how cute seek actually was. 'wtf is wrong with me??' You thought to yourself. Maybe you were one of those "monster fuckers" but you didn't fuck seek so it just felt like an odd label to give yourself right now.

You didn't notice seek was talking to someone as you stared like a baby wanting a boob from them.


Hungry Baby + boob = not hungry baby #maths #genius #blessex

I love writing this and feeding yall with my words ya hungry babys it's like my writing is the boob LMAO


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