The Beginning but not a True Beginning

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     "I'm sorry you need to get out of the end." a voice that is very familiar said. "Me and your mother we're forbidden to marry, even have any contact with each other that's why we can't no longer live in this town." 

    "But mom why?" I think I spoke. Was this me it doesn't feel like this is happening right now this doesn't feel right like this already happened before. Wait, aren't I eight-teen? 'Mom how old am I?' Wait that didn't come out!

      "oh darling are species are forbidden to ever love even to have children." the woman said who had beautiful emerald green eyes and black oily colored skin like black as in night black. Oh why does she remind me of someone but it can't be my mom the last time I saw here I was no teen but no baby I was just a mer six year old trying to find my mom and mother not knowing a single thing that was going on. In the world around me. This all felt weird it doesn't feel right, where even am I.

     "Ranboo?" a voice I heard but couldn't see a moving mouth to match with. I moved my head around to find the owner. "hey Ranboo, wake up." I blinked and once I opened them back up I was looking at a celling. "hey Ranboo glad to see you up get dressed Tommy made breakfast."

     Tubbo? "ya I'll get up." next I know Tubbo left the room and I walked to the closet and lazily put on a button up shirt and some jeans.


     I walked out of my room to see a boy in a red and white shirt with blonde hair and bright blue eyes staring at me. "Took you f*cking long enough to get out of bed Ranboo." Says the boy who has the name of Tommy.

     "hey! Bossman sit down and let's eat!" Tubbo said. Tubbo has brown hair that has a lazy look of someone putting there flower crown on over his little ram horns. he was short compared to Tommy and I. I'm the tallest at 6'6, Tommy at 6'0 and Tubbo stands at a raging 5'5 or up I lost count how tall he was. To be exact I might be wrong it's been a bit sense we checked are heights.

     I sat down across the table from Tommy and next to Tubbo. "ah cool the classic eazy cooked waffles." I said making a face that knows he was going to get on the nerves of someone or in a matter of fact Tommy's nerves.

     "Hey! You know I don't know how to cook well!" Tommy yelled at me "You're the best cook out of us three." he huffed quietly. You can tell he didn't like that he said that because of the slight light pink-red on his face of embarrassment I think.

     "thanks for telling me." I said in a proud tone but not to over confident. Tommy and Tubbo finished there breakfast as long as I also did. It was Tubbo who stood up and picked up the dishes. "Well what are we doing today?"

     "Ranboo we were planning on going and annoy the hero's for a bit before we have to go to work." Tubbo said in a ward tone of voice. oh did I forget something again.

     "oh I'm sorry did we have this discussion the other day?" I said. Tommy closed his eyes shaking his head then walked to his room to get in his costume. next I know we all went to are room's to change into are costumes.

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