A Family Reunion?

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~°3rd P.O.V.°~


 <11:00 a.m.>


   Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo was getting ready to go. It was 11 am but they wanted to get to the location on time. Tommy was in his room trying to get his suite on. Tubbo on the other hand was in the living room putting on his shoes. Ranboo was in his room grabbing his glasses.


                   <30 minutes later>


     The three finished getting ready and we're now in the living room about to step out the door. "Come on Tommy we need to go it takes about 25 minutes to get there and we want to get there early." Tubbo said signaling it was time to leave.

     "Ok, I'm coming gosh!" Tommy replied back to Tubbo. Then finally the three boys left there apartment trying not to be seen. If they got seen hero's, vigilantes, or/and police will come to attack them.

     The three got to the top of the roof to the location finally staying hidden from people since it was now 11:50, almost noon.


We'll why don't we visit the hero's, shall we?

Let's visit them.



~°Wilbur Soot Minecraft°~


<11:40 a.m.>


     "Are you coming!?" Techno yelled at me who was slipping on my boots of my hero costume.

     "I'm coming!" I yelled. I started walking out of my room and now standing in the living carders of are two story home. Phill or better yet known as 'Crow' my dad was standing next to Techno or known as 'Blade'. The two of them were waiting next to the door for me.

     Techno shaw me and he turned to look at the door reaching for the handle. "Since your here we can go now. Come on slow poke." He was trying to taunt me. It wasn't working I think.


<10 minutes later>


   We walked to the 'Nihachu Cafe', owned by Niki, and saw the alley way we're the six of us was supposed to meet up at. Phill decided to stay and sit in the cafe waiting for it to turn 12:00 since it is only 11:50 by now.




<11:00 a.m.>


     "And that is who should be invited to the Prince's coronation." The rule adviser was telling the king, my father, about who should be invited to my coronation. They were talking on and on about it all day it felt like.

     I know I need to be by the alley way in a hour. There is one problem I don't know how to get away so I've been thinking how to get away but can't think of anything. Then I had an idea.

     "May I be excused father? I need to go to my room to and do something." I asked the king. My father looked at me and shook his head once and told me.

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