The unraveling messing with heroes

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     "ok, 'The Blade' is on patrol two blocks away." Tommy said over a ear pice so we can keep in contact with each other while we are separated. "he is on his way to Jalen st. circle. I don't know where he is going at this ti-." Silence for a minute.   

    "Everything good over there?" Tubbo said in his utmost worried voice. I was just sitting on a building next to Tubbo who's face was looking down at the alley in front of us and hand on his earpiece. You can see his face that he is worried about his best friend or also known as Tommy innit Minecraft.

     While on the other hand Tommy was scouting out for heroes and to lead them to the ally were me and tubbo stay in are waiting position for Tommy to get the blade over to us. "I'm here blade got to close he can't know we are doing this yet." Says Tommy in a whisper so quite you can barely here. "We are just around the corner get ready to bet this f*ckers a**!"

     "Get back here you devil!" The voice just came around the corner with his pink pig mask on his face with a light pink messy bread. The man was the hero blade who was following Tommy who was about two feet in front of him. He was to close dangerously close. 

     Tommy's mouth opened when he got close enough to us and said "NOW!" Me and Tubbo teleported off the building behind the blade. Tubbo used an explosion to nuke out the blade. Which a little effect because it made him a bit wheezy but it didn't knock him out. How was it, I mean . . . he is the number one hero what do we expect we just can't let him drink any blood or we are screwed.

     "Wait your all together!?" The blade said kind of surprised. To be honest I kinda expected him to know we were going to be together. We usually are together when we are in a villain costumes.

     "Ya gotta problem with that blade?" Tommy said with a grin even though you can't see it because of his mask you could see it in his eyes which was uncovered. We all were a mask but Tubbo and me whare some wired goggles which hid are identities better but Tommy didn't want to were them. Tommy said that they don't make him look manly enough.

     The blade reaches for his belt which has a sword and some little test tobs which contains a dark red content which was known as blood that he uses to activate his power. I hate his power we are screwed if he gets it, because drinking it makes him stronger based on how much he drinks. His power is just strength but it's abnormally strong. He grabs . . . Hold a second he grabs a little black square that lights up it's a phone. Now he puts it in his little pouch.

     "Hey, Fight me b*tch!" Tommy yelled out in anger. 

     "Oh stop acting grown" a voice said sounding annoyed. Wait who was that!? That wasn't anyone that can be seen. I shack my head around to see no one around us. Then everything went black.


     "Ugh, What happened?" I said in a agonized voice still felling a bit dozy. It fells like I got hit in the head by a brick. I still couldn't even see everything is still black. Did it do something to his vision?

     "Oh my gosh your awake! Tommy, Ranboo is awake!" Who was that why did he sound familiar. Wait he was because it was Tubbo talking. 


     "Take it easy boss man you just woke up. You need to heal up."

     "What happened?"

     "You got Punched in the face by the blade two days ago." The voice sounded so genuine and sweet. Next thing I knew I blacked out again.


     This time when opening my eyes I saw a white ceiling. I turned my head to see a sound asleep Tubbo who was clinging onto me. "Your so cute." I said in a whispering sounding voice.

     Next I knew I was losing my consence yet again yet only on purpose this time to see a new morning. The room is gone and there is no sound besides my thoughts. "Night Tubbo." And the next day will bring joys into a new time.


     Next day I cooked and I didn't cook frozen waffles I cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast for this day. I had to be quick I had work in a hour so I put on my shoes and walked out the door. When I was out of the house I could see the light sky blue sky with a bit of orange from the newly woken sun being six in the morning.

     I hoped in the car and drove down the road listening to a song that Tommy's brother wrote. I didn't ask to listen to it but it's alright it can be enjoyable. 


     I was laying on the couch strumming my guitar when a man, with a set of supposed to be hidden black wings and a white & green bucket hat, walked in the room. "Hey dad what you need?" I said in a relaxed voice I use only when I have my guitar in my hands.

     "They still haven't found him." The man said. "He isn't in there radar. You think they would have found him by now? But he is no where in site." The face of the man had a big plastered of worried but not fake but truly real look on his face.

     "Dad Tommy might not even be alive it's been years let him go!" I yelled. I soften down and say "I'm sorry it's still hard to take he is my brother. Techno is also very worried too.

     "I know but I want to see his face again"

     "I know dad we'll find him soon I mean we are heroes we'll see him and I wouldn't be surprised if he is a hero now too he is eight-teen now."

     "Ya I mean he is my son." The man said with a genuine smile now on his face. I saw this and also smiled and thought how Tommy would act when he figured The Blade, Crow, and Rialú Intinne we're his family.

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