History and Excuses ~ characters info

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     A/N- Ok, the writing style changes here because the other chapters were made in guotev. The writing was just copied onto here but I promise it is my story. I have ways to prove something that aren't even in the story yet that are planed on. I noticed on I really never explained there looks so this chapter will have some phisycal descriptions. So here my readers chapter chapter eight.


Tw: Yelling, 'kid' who thinks can't satisfy there father, crying


~°3rd P.O.V.°~


"I know this is a really holesome moment but I really need to get going." Dream said. "I can't bee notice I'm not home. I'll see you all later. " The man walked off into the distance. 'What will happen now that tommy meet his family again?' Ranboo asked himself this question. Walking away was the man named 'Dream' who where a lime green hoodie with the hood pulled over his locks of hair. The man where a white cycler mask that had to dot's for eyes and a curved line for the smile making a smiley face. His pants were a middle blue color leanings mor on the dark blue side, they were ripped because of his battle's. The man usually hangs out with 404 and lasair otherwise known as George and Sapnap who were royal guards. They were the only who know Price Clay, soon to be king, was also known as Dream they also decided to help him because they looked up to Dream.

     Tubbo stode next to Ranboo with his brown hair and brown eyes. He were a mask that covered his mouth and nose, the mask was for him when he blow things up with his power because it still bathed him but not as bad as the other's. The boy also we're Google's that covered his chocolatey brown eyes to protect them from soot. Tubbo was also a hybrid or to clarify a goat hybrid, he had ears that were the color of his hair and he also had horns that were about 3 inches or more long. 

     Ranboo who was watching a once spot Dream stood with his one  lime green eye and the othe a bright red. His hair was half white and black. Which the black hair was on his side with his green eye and had the color of oil black skin on that side, on the other side with his red eye his skin was a Daisy White while his hair was a more of a Priceline White. He ware a green glasses that helped him see better at night because they had a night goggles addition. He ware all black but with a glows of green and red on their equal sides. He also ware a mask that was black.

     Tommy had dirty blonde hair that was curly and fluffed on his forehead. He had horns sticking out of his head that was glowing red and had  racún ears on his head, tail that swung around behind him. His outfit was also black but had a red glow instead. His eyes glew a icy blue that looked calming to stare at.

     Tommy stode talking to Wilbur who had hair like Tommy but wavy and brown. He had brown sparkly eyes. His hero suit was a cloke that had a patch that was the flag of L'amanburg where he went on a mission a few years back. He hade his yellow sweater that he had made out of special materials so it would protect him from danger's harm. He had a cloth covering his face that was a little see through and ware a mask so his face wasn't being reviled.

     Techno was drinking a cup of coffee leaning against a wall. His face was covered by a pig mask that made it see as you can't see his eyes all you see are red orbs in the holes for the eyes. He ware a red cape that reached his heals. He also had a white button up shirt matched with black joggers with a red cloth rapped around his wast. His ears were like elf's with a gold pricing in them. 

     There finally was Phill the oldest of the seven or now six he had dirty blonde hair that was covered by his green and white bucket hat that had a cloth connected to it that covered his face. The bucket hat was placed to cover his eyes that we're blue like the light Pacific Ocean. He had a Black top that was covered by dark a green Kimono. He had sandals on his feet that was over his socks. He had black fingerless gloves on his hands. 

     Tommy looked around and saw that techno was drinking coffee and he yelled at him. "Blade why are you drinking coffee!" Techno looked up from taking a ship of coffee and swallowed. He opened his mouth to say something.

     "I don't finish my coffee Theseus." He spoke saying Tommy's old nickname. At the word of 'Theseus' Tommy's face was in shock because he hasn't ben called that since before the incident. "Now we probably should go." Techno now said.

     At this the men walked off leaving the bench trio behind. The trio decided to go home too so pros don't see them and they get attacked.


     When the trio got home they changed to there casual clothes. The trio sat on the couch and watched a show called 'The mysterious of 'Lamanburg' it was a documentary about how the country got it's name and independence from 'The greater Dream Smp'. In about a week the pince will be crowned as king. This kingdom was named after its founder Dream, he wasn't the first king but he ended as king and the rule of king has past through generations.

     Greater Dream Smp was founded in 2020, 24th of April and it was now 3025, 5th of August the prince's crowning is on the 12th of August. The kingdom gave l'amanburg, actually l'amanburg had to fight for there freedom and the co. founder had to give his praised position, disks, to the founder of the Grater Dream Smp. 




     I jumped through my window and quickly changed to my Prince atial. I walked out of my room and twords the dinning room were father was probably still having his little planing for my kröning on my birthday next week. I walked into the room and my father looks at me with a frown.

     "Where were you?" My father spoke.

     "I was in my room.?" I said confused.

     "No you weren't Clay. Again where were you?"

     "I  was  in the restroom." It was said in a stern voice to cover the worry voice dugged under it.

     "You were clearly not in the castle.!" My father yelled.

     I was panicking so I yelled back and said, still lying though. "Fine you cought me I was in the garden.!"

     "I know that's a lie you were not on the grounds of the castle at all!" He yelled gradually getting louder and louder." If you won't tell me where you were I will ground you!"

     "Fine!" I said running to my room trying not to cry. I slammed my door and jumped onto my bed crying. "Stupid why can't I make my father happy!" I screamed at myself in my head.




     There was a nock at the door of my room then a voice spoke. "Clay you good in there I heard what happened. I'm sorry. May I come in?" The voice belonged to to my best friend George.

     "I'm fine George. You can come in." I spoke sniffling. The door knob turned and a man with brown hair walked in. He had a suit of iron armor on since he was a royel guard. He had chocolate colored brown eyes. He saw Clay's puffy red cheeks he put a smile trying to brighten his mood.

     "You don't look to good." George said.

     "You cought me." I raised his hands by my head and had a smile which made George's smile true. The two of use started to talk about what happened. Since George know that I was Dream I told him where I actually was. George was another vigilante named 404. Who I work with a lot but he has been busy these couple weeks. 

     We talked for the rest of the night but he eventually had to leave fir his shift. I let him leave and at that I was now alone by myself. I sat there for a few hours thinking. Then I eventually decided to go to bed. 


     A/N- thanks for reading I accidentally published this in the middle of writing this but I depublished it in a hurry. I finished this finally thank you so much for reading. Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night! Good bye! 

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