The Prince's Secret

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     This kingdom is so beautiful with a purely white castle a top a hill above the village. 'Oh, you don't even know this was a kingdom? Well I wanted to say welcome to the kingdom of 'The Greater Dream Smp'! I live in the castle but I don't call it home though. Wait sorry I didn't tell you my name did I? My name is Clay, better known as Prince Clay but you can call me Dream.'

     This kingdom is full of heroes and villains but also vigilantes. I am not promoted to leave the castle grounds but I do so anyways. I didn't want to sit around in a castle while my loyal subjects was in a village with villains roaming around. This is why I toke the Avantage and became a vigilante named Dream.

     "Your highness, you are needed by the king in the royal garden." a maid said. I am not king yet but I will in a few weeks.

     "Alright, I'll make my way tell him I'll be there let me finish up." I said. The maid shock her head and bowed. "You're dismissed." The maid stood up and walked out of the room. 'Why did he want to see me now is it to talk about me coming to be king?' Next I new I was walking to the garden.


     I walked into a cafe with Tubbo and went to the counter. The lady at the front had blond front bangs parted Infront of her ears and brown for the rest. "Hello welcome to 'Nihachu Cafe' I'm Nike what my I get you?" The woman said which I guess was named Niki.

     "I would just like two coffee's one with creamer while the other black and two biscuits, plz" Tubbo asked Niki.

     "Alright one black coffee and one with creamer and two biscuits, will that be all?"

     "Yes please."

     "Ok that will be__." She said.

     I payed for the food and we sat to wait for are coffee and cookies. When the coffee got to use we had a sip before Tubbo said "You good Ranboo?" I sock my head. "I just noticed that you don't look alright."

     "I mean I did get hit in the head by the blade in the head after he activated his power." I whispered trying not to let anyone hear. I was just out of it since this morning. Why did it worry me so much? Why did I space out? Am I forgetting something important?


     I had no work today so after we got done with are coffee we went to the store for food since we were running low. We got home and put the stuff up just fine. It was really boring because Tommy was at work and there was no one here to mess with us and ask (like when) for us to leave the house to do something.

     Tubbo sat down on the couch and turned on the news to find.

"Breaking News, it is found that the 'blue for antich' has burned down . . ." That's were Tommy worked it was an antic shop Tommy didn't like working there but did it because he needed his own money. Tubbo jumped up and started crying.

     "Tubbo you good!?" I said worried.

     "Tommy is at work he must of been in there" Tubbo said crying. I checked the time to know that Tommy got off thirty minutes ago and should of been walking through the door no-

     "Hey guys I'm home it was a long day at work today." Said a unhurt Tommy. Me and Tubbo, who had tears in his eyes, stared at him in shock. "You guys good?" Then he shaw the news and his face went from calm to total shock.

     "Tommy?" Tubbo said still in shock but now a little confused look. "Are you ok did you get hurt did you know that that happened." Now he was jumping off the couch to hug Tommy tightly.

     "Ya I'm ok what happened?" 

     "I don't know." I said. They jumped I understand I was quite they probably forgot I was there.


     "Hello my son." A man said who was the king or also known as my father. "Nice to see you again."

     "Hello father pleaser to see you again how are you my dear father?" I said.

     "I'm alright you?"

     "I'm fine, what did you need again?"

     "You know in two weeks you will become the king of the 'greater dream smp' right?"

     "Yes father I'm aware of that."

     "Ok, you need a outfit to ware would you rather have the royal dressmaker make one or go into town and find one and if you don't find one the dressmaker will make you something?"

     "Town I guess."

     "Ok, as you wish." "George!" He suddenly yelled.

     George was my royal gaurd who followed me everywhere it was his job. He was originally a few feet away and is now in front of us because I turned around when father called him. The man bowed and said "yes your hiness?"

     "You may Ride." The king said. At that George stood up as straight as can be. "I need you to get two maids, one butler, and one guard to go in to town with my son and you to get a suit for Clay's coronation for him."

     "Yes your hiness I'll find a group to travel." At that George walked off to get the group and the King left to go to the thrown room to sit on his room leaving Clay all alone.


     I was sitting and smelling the roses when I heard people walking twords me so I turn around. "Your hiness" it was George who bowed with the others he brought. "I got the people asked two maids, one butler, and a gaurd." He said while standing straight up again.

     "Alright thanks George let's go to town." I said while standing up. I started walking to the gates and into town. we got to a little parlor and walked inside. I got a beautiful color green tie and a black suit. Then we went back to the castle again.

     You know I don't think I'm ready to be king yet it's coming to soon. George agreed with me so did the other gaurd who traveled with me. The other gaurd had black hair and black irises and a orange flame pupil and his name was Nick. They both were my best friends but we kept it secret from my father.


     Tommy was worried about his work buds. He was in his room trying to call everyone who was supposed to work right after he got off. He figured out some but few were hurt but they weren't severely hurt. At that knowledge he walked out of his room to the living room where me and Tubbo sat.

     "You good Tommy?" I had asked and he said he was ok but still worried of those he worked with. He might be thinking he needed to find a new job now since his last burned but it might be ranboo who that.


     I was getting ready for bed to see Tubbo already done and sitting on the bed. "You alright Tubbo?" I said. He shocked his head and leaned back. So at that I got ready for bed.

     I came back to the room and played down next to Tubbo and lead there to think. I was planning on making brownies to cheer up Tommy. The next morning since we have the ingredients. At that I feel asleep with a cuddled up Tubbo.

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