Diabhal Racún

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     "Tommy." Someone from a dark void says. Everything is black around me. "Tommy? . . . TOMMY WAKE UP DAMM IT!" After that was yelled my eyes opened from the unknown.

     There was my alder brother staring at me with his saggy brown hair and a red beni. "Wilbur? What are you doing in my room? What time even is it?" I said confused. 

     If you have not guessed I'm Tommy Innit Minecraft and I'm the son of Philza Minecraft himself. I mean it's me, plus I'm an amazing guy who wouldn't want to meet me. That doesn't matter right now because my brother Wilbur is in front of me waking me up.

     "What do you want Will!?" I yelled in a sleepy half awake voice. I sat up and stretch my arms up. I shifted my body over to the edge of the bed with my legs now hanging over. I slide off the bed to my feet touching the carpet besides my bed felling warmth between my toes. 

     "Get dressed, Dad wants to take us on a walk to the nearby park." He said. He turned around and walked through the door. I can hear his foot steps walking through the halls. It was now to far to hear.

     I walked to my closet and slide on a rad and white t-shirt paired with a lite blue jeans. I put some socks on and slide on my red sneakers on top of the. Then I finally walked through this door.


     Will, Techno, Dadza, and me walked towards the park. "Race you both too the park guys!" My other bother Techno yelled back because he already started running. 

     "Chester!" Will yelled back at him running now.

     "Ha, like sh*t!" Techno said again.

     "I'm coming two!" 

     We ran down the sidewalk and tried to anore the passing civilians and try not to hit the. The next I know we are in the order of Techno-Me-Will-Dadza but dad is at a jog pass because he wanted to only walk. I finally passed Techno and it was time to cross the street and it slipped me to look both ways. I stated running before I saw a light on my left and slowed to a  walk and tilted my head to the side and . . . "Tommy there's a car move!" Some one says.

     Then everything went black. My hole body know hurts expressly my head. Everything was now quite.


     "Ahh" I silently yelled waking up breathing hardly. "What? What was that?" I whispered "Why am I dreaming about random people I think I called them dad and brothers, . . . are they my family!?" I jumped out of bed to get my charging phone off my dresser. 

     I opened up my phone to go to look up something. 


                                       ----< Google >----

                   Google search. . . <Tommy Minecraft> 


     It has been twelve years since the young boy Tommy innit Minecraft went missing at age six. The young boy is been missing but the police won't give up on finding him till he dead/alive is found. The . . . More +


​​​​​​     Hey, it's me Tommy I'm cool, awesome, smart, cool. ### #### ###### #### ## ##### #### ## . . . More +


     Wait missing? Is there another person with my name or am I considered missing. "I need to find my family." I wisperd to myself. "I'll see you soon Will."

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