Chapter 1

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"Dear Jakson Grey,
I am going to kill your friends one at a time. My first victim will be Kip, the second victim will be Niko, and I'll save your precious Lexus for last. I'll only tell you where I'm going to murder them right before I do so. When you receive word you can try to save them. However, be careful what you do, you never know what the police might think of you. On another note, if you go to the police, I will kill your unborn child in a way that will leave you in agony, but you will not die.
Your Worst Nightmare,
The Angel of Death"

I read over the letter several times. This doesn't make sense, why would anyone want to kill my friends? Why would they tell me their plans? I am extremely confused by this letter that was pushed through my mail slot just a few minutes ago. The person that sent it was gone before I could look outside, so I don't know if this is some prank or if someone is really threatening my friends.

'Hey guys, wanna hang tonight? I was thinking about renting a movie.' I send a group text to all my friends, just in case it's real.

The wait is so agonizing that I get inside my head; with my mind elsewhere, a suddenly vibrating phone nearly sends me through the roof, "Hello?"

"Uh, Jakson, are you okay?" the smooth and sweet voice of Lexus carries through the phone.

I figit with the choker Lexus bought for me, trying to decide if I should tell him, "Well, I kind of got a weird letter today, it just makes me feel uneasy."

"Do you need me to come over?" I can hear the concern in his voice.

I want to cry, but I don't let my hormones get the best of me, "Please, I need you close so I know you're safe."

My phone dings at me, so I check it to see that I have a new voicemail waiting to be heard. I let Lexus know I'll call him back and listen to something I never expected, "Hello Jakson, you might have been able to save your friend had you answered my call." I hear my own voice come across the line and my entire body freezes in place. How can I have called myself, especially while on the phone with Lexus? And why would I joke about killing my friends? I hold my breath as the message continues, "Now he is in the hands of the Angel of Death."

I can no longer hold back the tears. There's no way this can be real, Kip is tough and wouldn't go down without a fight. I grab my keys and stick my phone in my pocket. I rush out the door stopping only long enough to lock it.

As kids, we always avoided a certain statue in the park, it was known as the Angel of Death because of the many drug addicts that happened to overdose in it's presence. It takes a few minutes, but I finally get to the park and head directly to the statue. The closer I get, the more a limp shadowy figure forms hanging from the statues arms. I feel the tears forming before I can even see the face.

"Kip?! Please don't be dead!!" I climb onto the statue to check his pulse. When I don't find one I call 9-1-1.

An operator sounding mildly annoyed answers, "9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"Someone killed my.... Uh, I mean, a boy in the park. He's at the Angel of Death statue." I manage say through the tears.

The guys voice changes to a little more concerned than before, "Okay sir, please calm down. Can you give me a description of the killer?"

"No, I didn't see him."

"Okay, I've got some police on their way over, can I get your name and address?" I hang up the phone and hurry out of there as fast as I can, I really don't want to chance my unborn child being hurt even if I don't actually tell the police anything.

I make my way back to my apartment where Lexus waits at the door, "Jakson, where have you been and where is all this blood from?!"

I look down at my hands, my eyes filled with terror and sorrow. I didn't even notice the blood until Lexus mentioned it. I start to hyperventilate at the sight until Lexus pulls me into a hug.

"It.... It's Kip's blood, someone killed him.... Angel of Death statue.... He was dead...."

Lexus gets my key from my pocket, "Let's get you inside and cleaned up."

He opens my door and we step inside to find a large envelope lying on the floor. He picks it up, but instead of opening it, he takes me into the bathroom, starting the shower to warm up. I just stare at the already drying blood that coats my hands.

"I couldn't do anything.... he was gone....the voice....I killed him...."

A sudden splash of water from the shower head pulls me from my thoughts, "That's enough, Jakson. None of this is your fault, I don't care what this voice said. You tried to save him, but you did all that you could. The only person at fault is the sick bastard that killed him. You can't blame yourself because that's what the bastard wants you to do, but remember that you aren't the only one you'll be hurting, think about the baby; think about me."

"You're right, I'm sorry. Please, I need to get out of these now wet clothes and I have to wash the blood off. The smell is making me sick and it just reminds me that I couldn't save him...." I lift my arms so Lexus can remove my shirt for me so I don't get anymore blood on it.

Lexus helps me with my clothes and helps me into the shower. He scrubs the blood away until there's no sign that I touched Kip's lifeless body. He then helps me out and wraps me in a towel before leading me into the living room and onto the couch to rest my swollen ankles.

He brings the envelope from the other room where he had left it, "Should we see what this is?"

I nod at him and he brings the envelope to the coffee table to open it. He very carefully tears it open and dumps the contents onto the table. My heart once again feels heavy when my eyes fall on the very bloody dagger that fell out, drying blood falling on the table and floor. All I see is red. I will use the same dagger that he used on my friend to cut his throat.

"Stop, Jakson, you really aren't thinking clearly." my hand is suddenly enveloped in warmth.

The room around me returns to normal color, the red fading into nothingness once more, "I'm sorry Lexus, these damned mood swings are making rational thought nearly impossible at times. I think he knows that my mood swings are bad."

"It's okay, that's why I'm here to help you." he gives me a soft kiss.

It's at this moment that I realize the other object that came from the envelope; a burner phone begins to ring on my coffee table. I pick up the phone and give it a quick lookover before answering, it's an older style flip phone with a pull up antenna.

I answer and put it on speaker, "Hello?"

"I was beginning to wonder if you would actually open my gift to you." my voice once again comes over the phone, "Do you like it?"


Hey guys, I hope you like this, I'm just planning for it to be a short story. It was an unexpected story idea, but has grown in my head and I couldn't help but write it down. I will try to work on this one and some others, but life with the new baby has been a bit tough.... XD It actually took a few days for me to get this part written and most of that involved naps and bedtime for the baby. Of course, I also have to write between all my other things that go on in my daily life, but I'm making it work to the best of my ability. Anyway, hopefully chapter two will be up soon enough. I hope you all have a great day or night.


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