Chapter 7

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Hey guys, sadly no one guessed, but the contest is officially over, ❤️


A few minutes later, the cops bring a slightly groggy reaper through the door, "Help, he tried to kill me, I was just defending myself!"

"He tried to kill you while in labor?" the Chief asks with disbelief.

She has a momentary look of fear as she begins to realize it's over for her, "Of course, it was his last chance to do it because Lexus was going to leave him to be with me! He was killing everyone that knew and he drugged Lexus to keep him all for himself! I was so scared, I thought for sure he was going to ki...."

"STOP!!" I yell at her, "You've been caught, Kaylin, they know the truth. Even if the evidence didn't point to you, the chief is Lexus' dad, he knows the two of us are a serious couple, even getting married this summer after we finish school!"

A horrified expression twists her face, "No!! That can't be, he and I belong together! You're just an ugly fag shouldn't even be alive! I can't believe Kip and Niko supported you, that's why they had to die, besides, Niko saw my face once."

"Oh my gosh, that's what she meant, 'Ice, kay, any, ants ache, b-bee' was supposed to be 'I was with Kaylin, she want's to take the baby.'"

Kaylin was a member of our friend group in school, we knew she'd had a crush on Lexus a few months ago when she moved here, but we had already been together for a few years. She's a genius like Lexus, Kip and Niko. I'm the one that's not smart in the group, but they still liked hanging out with me.

I had thought the killer just didn't know about her since she's still new in town and I hadn't spent time with her, but this makes sense. I am very sad, Kip shouldn't have died, Niko shouldn't be in a coma and I shouldn't have been forced to give birth basically alone in an old factory with a maniac trying to kill me and my fiancé was drugged, but even so, I feel a sense of relief as it flows over me.


The cops had discovered that I was the 9-1-1 caller and found the body knife in my apartment, which is why they suspected me. Ghb had been used to drug Lexus causing him to pass out and to act out on psychoses; he had been released the day after we were admitted and I was released the day after that. Kaylin was held for a few extra days to ensure she was okay and didn't have any brain damage before being taken to jail without bail until her court date.

A few days later; Lexus and I had been coming to visit Niko every day in the hospital. It had been stressful not knowing if she was going to be okay. Then, Niko woke up in a panic trying to warn us. We were able to tell her it was over and almost all was well.

"So, what did you guys decide to name him?" she looks at us with a small smile on her face. She always looks a little sad since she found out that Kip is dead.

Lexus and I look at each other then again at her before responding at the same time, "Kip Allison Lukowski."

Nikole loses the hold she has on her emotions and begins to cry, "Thank you guys, that's a great way to honor him, but you know I hate my first name, 'Allison Nikole Ratcliff' that name just sounds awful"

Even though, she's crying, her eyes light up and she smiles as I hand Kip over for her to hold. While we're talking, we invite Niko to come to our wedding and to be my best man while Chief Lukowski is going to be the best man for Lexus. We also find out that Niko is pregnant with Kip's baby and we plan to move into a house together just the three of us as soon as we can. Fortunately, the baby remained unarmed as Nikole fought for her life.

Niko actually kicked her parents out of her hospital room when she saw how I was being treated by her mom and has since filed for emancipation. The look on her mom's face when she found out about the baby was incredible, her perfect little girl isn't so perfect after all. I think about everything we've talked about and I know my apartment isn't big enough for the three of us and two babies, but with the money I have left over from the insurance I got after my parents died, I can put a nice down payment on a house for us.

I smile at Niko as she coos softly at baby Kip and hold Lexus' hand like I might lose him at any second if I let go. This past week has been hell, but with the birth of our son, a new opportunity is only just beginning. We intend to live the rest of our lives to the fullest, after all, you never know what day will be your last.


Hey guys, we finally came to an end!! I hope you guys enjoyed, I know I enjoyed writing it. This chapter marks the end of the contest, so if any guessed the correct answer to who the killer was, anything about her being one of their friends would have been considered correct, this chapter will be dedicated to them. If anyone wants me to continue with a sequel, let me know and I'll see what I can do.... XD


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