Chapter 2

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"Why did you kill Kip? And why do you sound like me?" I want to reach through this phone and drag the person through so I can beat them to a pulp.

I can almost hear him smirking, "For fun."

"You bastard!!" I nearly throw the phone across the room.

My voice sounds so smug as it once again comes across the phone, "Lexus, control your slut before he gets Niko killed. Also, I won't make you ask how I know and we can skip the whole thing where you tell me he's not there. I have had your entire apartment bugged for months now."

"Please, don't hurt Niko, she didn't do anything wrong." I feel the mood swing come on strong and I try not to cry.

Laughter comes across the phone as though I said something stupid, "It's far too late for that, I just wanted you to calm down, you know, 'cause it's not good for the baby. Also, I would have killed her slow if you had broken the phone, instead I'm going to stab her and give you a small chance to save her. She'll be at 1524 E 485 N Main St, in the old church. She'll be waiting on her prince charming, and you only have ten minutes to save her. However, if you hang up and call the cops, she'll be dead, I'll know if you call the cops before the ten minutes is up."

I once again flip to anger when the phone is hung up. That church is at least a fifteen minute walk normally, but for me it could take longer. Lexus shows me that he has a timer set for ten minutes and we grab what we need and hurry out the door.

Even though it hurts and makes me kind of sick, I run as fast as my swollen ankles will let me. However, when we're still a couple minutes away, the alarm that Lexus set starts going off. I slow down just enough to pull my phone out and call 9-1-1.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" a polite sounding lady answers this time.

I take a deep breath as I'm trying to catch my breath, "There's a girl that's been stabbed at 1524 E 485 N Main St, in the old church. Please send someone, please don't let her die!" I then hang up without waiting for a response.

We get to the church and find the front door sitting open. Upon entry, we see Niko tied up in a chair, her face stained with tears as she had so obviously been crying and a knife protruding from her chest. I can't tell if she's breathing and her head is just hanging lifelessly there as though she were sleeping and in her lap is a small bag, a note with my name written on it taped to the front.

Lexus and I hurry to check her pulse. It's faint, but she does still have one. Suddenly, sirens can be heard from outside, so I hurry and stick the bag from her lap into my backpack that I brought for just in case, since it has 'in case of labor' stuff. I get it back on my back just in time for cops and E.M.T.s to rush inside.

"Dad? I didn't know you were on duty tonight, it's Niko, someone hurt her." I turn to see Lexus talking to the police chief, aka, his dad.

His dad pulls us away from Niko so the E.M.T.s can do their job and hopefully save Niko, "What are you two doing here? Did either of you touch the body?"

"We checked for a pulse, but that was it, and she called earlier, we were supposed to meet her out front, but when we got here the door was open and we heard a noise inside, so we came in and found her and called 9-1-1." I worry that Mr. Moore will see through the lie that Lexus laid out.

To my surprise, Mr. Moore wraps the two of us in a hug, "I'm glad you guys are okay, you could've been hurt too, or even killed. Now, did either of you see or hear anything that might help?"

We both just shake our heads and hurry to follow the paramedics that arrived with the ambulance. I want to ride in the ambulance with Niko, but because of her current condition, they won't let me. Instead, Mr. Moore loads Lexus and me into his cop car and follows the ambulance to the hospital. when we arrive, Lexus and I follow Niko while Mr. Moore steps aside to call her parents.


We've been sitting in the waiting room for a couple hours now and the doctor finally comes out. We jump up, along with her family, to find out if she is going to make it. The doctor has an almost sad look on his face and I fear the worst.

"I'm guessing you're all here for the young lady that was stabbed?" we all kind of answer in different ways before he continues, "Well, she's stable for the moment, the surgery went well. However, while being around her you will need to be very quiet so she can rest."

We all nod and follow the doctor, Lexus and I letting her parents and baby sister go ahead of us. She's in a large room where we can all fit, though, I can feel the icy glare from Niko's mom as we enter the room behind them. The cold shoulder sending a chill down my spine.

After the doctor leaves, Niko's mom turns to us, a disgusted look on her face, "What did you degenerates get my precious Nikole into?! I know I shouldn't have let her hang out with some faggots like you, all you are is trouble and now my daughter is paying for it!"

"Look lady, I don't care how you talk to me, but don't talk that way about my boyfriend, and for your information, if it wasn't for us, your 'precious Nikole' would be dead right now." Lexus grabs my hand and I don't know if it's more to comfort me or himself as he stands up to her.

She gets a mortified look on her face, "I would never, did your parents not teach you to respect your elders?!"

"Look lady, respect is a two way street, you need to give it if you wish to earn it." I can't stop the laugh when she looks like a fish out of water at his comment.

I then notice that Niko is awake, she looks kind of groggy, but she's looking directly at me. Her parents notice as well and her mom tries to get her attention, but she just looks at me. She then reaches a shaky hand in my direction, so I step in and take it, even though her mom gives a very icy glare at my actions.

"Ice....kay....any....ants....ache....b-bee...." Niko then becomes unconscious and alarms start blaring before the room is filled with medical staff ushering us out and trying to save her life once again.

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