Chapter 6

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For my readers, the contest is still going, I did not give away the killer's identity in this chapter so I can give a bit more time, I'm giving a week for the challenge.


I have some gauze in the first aid kit in my backpack, I pull it out and use it like rope to hogtie the reaper. I ensure the reaper can't move and I take the scythe as I hobble to the stairs. I have to pause for a moment as another contraction vibrates through my nerves before I can climb the stairs to reach the hallway that'll lead to the room where Lexus is tied up.

I enter the room and see that Lexus is starting to come to. I approach, but he freaks out all of a sudden, "Stop!! Don't come any closer!! What do you want with me?!"

"Lexus, it's just me, Jakson." I try to sooth him.

I cut the ropes that are holding him onto the stick that held him in place to be a reaper. He scrambles to the side, "You're not Jakson!! You're the killer! Unless, no, Jakson wouldn't hurt Kip and Niko!"

"I didn't hurt the.... them...." I drop the scythe and fall to one knee with a hand on my stomach as a contraction feels like it's tearing me apart.

Lexus blinks and tilts his head, he almost seems like a wild animal. I feel some tears fall from my eyes; I need him now more than ever and his mental state is on the fritz. The contractions are getting closer together and lasting longer, that one started only about three minutes after the last one on the stairs. When it finally ends, I reach for my phone and quickly switch it on.

I quickly dial a number I made sure to memorize for just in case, it rings twice then an answer on the other end, "Chief Lukowski, I really need your help, please!"

"Jakson, what did you do, son? I can't help if you killed your friends. Where are you and Lexus?"

I hold my breath as a kick in the gut causes pain, "I didn't kill anyone, but I know who did, but that doesn't matter right now!"

"Of course it matters, this is a serious situation!" his voice sounds strained.

I force myself to be firm and not let my voice shake, "Dad, I'm frickin' in labor and the killer drugged Lexus with something and he's not acting like himself so I'm basically alone with a killer tied up down stairs and a feral boyfriend!" I pause as a contraction comes on stronger than the previous ones, "P....please help...."

I barely manage to put the phone on speaker and set it on the floor next to me as the pain continues to grow. The pressure ends with a sudden pop and my pants become soaked by the broken water. The release of pressure is only a moment's relief before the contractions become constant and even overlapping. I cry out, but I know I have to bear the pain, since I can't exactly get an epidural.

"Are you okay, son?" I hear the chief, but I'm too focused on the contractions and trying to remove my pants, so I don't answer him, "We got your location, help is on the way!"

I finally get the pants off, but all the moving around has forced the baby's head to drop into the birth canal, the urge to push forcing my body into autopilot while I try to wait for help. It's no use, my body is going to force this child out of me whether I want it to or not. I grab a towel out of my backpack and place it on the floor so I can at least have a semi clean place to birth my child.

As I work, I do pause a couple times as my body automatically pushes then I get my first aid kit and open it setting it on the floor beside the towel. It's at this point that I have to stop and focus on my body when I feel the pressure of the head at my sensitive opening and the ring of fire hits me hard. Another cry of pain slips off my tongue and I am barely able to keep myself from falling over in the fetal position.

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