Chapter 5

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I rush at the reaper that just walked in: landing a solid blow on his cheek, he barely budges and my hand burns from the impact, "Ow!! What the hell are you fucking made of?!"

"I am indestructible, an angel of death. Tell me, how did you know the other angel would not attack to defend me?" the reaper laughs with my voice, which is frustratingly loud in the empty room.

I shake my hand to relieve the pain a little, "It's obvious that you're alone, I'm not stupid!! You tried to trick me, but I saw through you and called your bluff!!" I step toward the being that has been standing in the room the whole time, but keep my eyes on the other.

"Don't Move!!" the reaper swings his scythe, stopping it only an inch from my extended stomach.

A slight amount of fear courses through my veins, but I must stand strong for Lexus and the baby. Before I even think or try to talk myself out of it, I grab the back of the blade and push it away from my unborn child. I try to twist it away from the reaper, but he pulls it from my hand.

"You must really want to get your family killed, starting with that damn baby of yours!!" the reaper swings the scythe at me again, but I dive to the ground barely avoiding the blade.

He swings at me again; I roll out of the way as the scythe punctures the wooden floor where I was just seconds ago. I grab the handle of the scythe before the reaper can get it unstuck and I use it to help me get back on my feet. I then also use it to keep my balance as I give the reaper a nice hefty kick to his face. I feel something crunch and he is knocked back a few steps.

In his momentary loss of stability, I hurry to the other reaper and tear of the cloak. As I suspected, Lexus is under it, tied up and unconscious. I know he's alive because he is breathing, but I don't know what the reaper gave him.

"What did you do to Lexus?!" I yell at the reaper.

He laughs again, a malicious and frightening laugh. Though, his voice changes between my voice and an almost feminine voice before changing to a very deep male voice and back again to mine, "It doesn't matter, you'll never see him again!! I'm going to cut that tiny demon out of you and cut it apart piece by piece as it screams for death, but death will come slow, then I will drag you back in here and slice apart that bastard of a boyfriend and I'll save you for last!!"

I take that as my que to run. I hear the reaper pull his blade from the wood behind me as I slip through a door into a different hallway than before. The reaper lets the blade scrape on the walls as he slowly follows behind, he probably expects me to slip up. A door stands at the end of the hall, I open it and nearly fall down the stairs that actually lead into the factory.

The room I was in before must've been an office once upon a time, now it's just empty space. I hurry down the stairs and past the conveyor belts to another section of the factory. I come to an area that appears to have been used to test the products they were making here. This could be useful, but I know I need to think fast, since I hear the scythe sliding down the railing to the stairs.

I look around, there's not much here other than a hammer and a few electrical parts. I pick up the hammer before moving on, a door hangs ajar, the hinges barely keeping it from falling to the floor. I manage to move the door a small amount, but the loud scrape on the floor begs me to stop. Instead, I hide behind some large machinery and wait for the reaper to come looking for me. I bite my lip hard enough that I feel the blood trickle down my chin, but it's enough of a distraction that my heart doesn't pound out of my chest to give my position away, I hope....

"I know you're here, I can smell your fear and taste your anxiety. There's nowhere you can hide that I can't find you." the reaper sound excited at the game of cat and mouse that he has put on. I wait for him to get close, "Are you in here?"

He actually enters the room with the door I moved, I take this chance to put my full body weight into the door, it slams shut and I press against it to hold it in place. I hear an angry grunt from inside before the blade of the scythe is struck through the door inches from my nose. I pull my face back, but keep parts of my body in front of the door to protect myself. Though, through the course of my actions, my abdomen painfully contracts as a sign that my baby wants to be born.

I gasp in pain and the reaper must've heard it, "Running was already pointless and I will get out of this room, but will you even be able to run by the time I get out?"

I know he's right, I can't run while in labor, that is the best way to get us all killed, so what should I do? I breathe till the contraction ends and try to think of what to do, but the reaper makes things easier when he puts another hole in the door, I use the hammer to pop out the only remaining hinge pin and yank the door down. It falls to the floor, reaper in tow, his surprise obvious as he tries to catch his balance.

With him in a stupor, I strike him with the hammer. A single blow and he falls limply to the floor. In that moment, another contraction causes pain to sweep through my abdomen. I fall to one knee, the pain nearly debilitating, but I can't stop till I know the reaper is either dead, or unconscious. I reach over and pull off his mask, but I get the shock of a life time. The reaper is the last person I would have expected.


Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter.... I am getting really close to the end and I want to thank you all for reading. Let me know if y'all have any guesses as to who the reaper is I left some clues to their identity, but haven't given a name. It would be a tough solve, but PM me if you have an idea. If anyone guesses correctly, the next chapter will be dedicated to the victor.


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