Chapter 4

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"Jakson, wake up." Lexus softly touches my face, "It's been an hour."

Lexus pushes the button to indicate our stop while I stretch my stiff muscles. With all the stress the killer has caused, I can't believe I fell asleep. Maybe it was the stress, or the drugs, that encouraged the sleep, or it could just be the fact that I've barely slept for months thanks to this little monster growing inside me.

A sudden punch to my bladder makes me happy that the bus is finally stopping and we can get off. Upon exiting the bus, I run into the nearest gas station to relieve myself. I do take a bit of time as I dread what might happen, but eventually return to find the store to be empty.

I cautiously approach the counter, the store clerk is dead on the floor behind it; a knife protruding from his chest and his throat slashed. Whomever the killer is, they continue to change their m.o., but there has been one thing consistent with each attack. Every attack has been with a blade.

I notice a note that was left on the clerk's body and I retrieve it, 'Come to the creepy abandoned factory on 'Black Cat Drive', if you don't show, the next time you see your beloved Lexus, he'll be in pieces. However, showing up is likely to result in your own death. So, what will it be? You or him?'

I gulp. I know what I have to do, I could never choose myself over Lexus, even if it puts my baby in danger. I think the killer expects me to do just that, so he can catch me off guard, but I am expecting the unexpected, I hope....

I find a pen and paper and write a note telling the owner of the store that I would pay them back for some snacks and water that I decided to take since my body is protesting at me for the energy I've spent on this mission of death, and a map of the city so I can find the factory without using my phone. I then turn my phone on long enough to call 9-1-1 to let them know about the store clerk before I hurry out of the gas station.

I've only put a couple blocks behind me when I start to hear sirens, so I duck into some bushes in someone's yard as two cop cars race toward the building I just left. After the cops pass, I move closer to the porch light to read the map, I'm only a little bit from the factory, about a half mile or so. I fold the map back up and walk cautiously in the direction of the factory.

It's almost as far away as the church was from my house, so I take a drink of water, secure everything in my backpack and start to run in the direction of the less than abandoned factory. When I finally reach my destination, I stop to catch my breath before looking for an open entrance; a small door in the back is slightly cracked open.

I enter the dimly lit hallway that leads further into the factory. I follow it, my swollen ankles making it feel like I've been walking for a few years rather than a few minutes. I finally enter a large room that is well lit compared to the hallway. Standing on the far end is the grim reaper, but Lexus is nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Lexus?!" I shout to the unmoving figure across the way.

Laughter echoes through the room as a second reaper enters, "He's here" my voice booms in the large room.

"Stop using my voice!!" the laughter angers me even more.

My mocking voice takes on a slightly irritated tone, "If you want Lexus back, you'll have to figure out where he is, with us hunting you!!"

I stare for a moment, if I attack one, will the other attack me? Is it just the two, or are there more elsewhere? No, I know what is going on here and I think I know exactly where Lexus is being kept.


Hey guys, short chapter, but I hope you like it, this story is getting close to the end and I hope you guys enjoy reading as much as I've enjoyed writing this. The next chapter should be longer and hopefully Lexus isn't dead, you'll have to read to find out, XP


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