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Welcome to Seabrook, where belonging is everything.

We're a strong, united, and tight-knit community, which is a good thing after what we've all been through. However, it did take a while for it to turn out this way.

Last year, zombies attacked Seabrook High, well more like humans attacked them.

Zombies were finally allowed to join our high school, however they still got the worse end of it all. With a bit of a push, some football, cheerleading, a girl, and a zombie, things changed for the better.

Still crazy to think it all started cause of some lime soda. I mean come on... lime? That is the most monstrous thing out of the whole ordeal. But at least things seem to be looking up, right?

Hey, I'm [Y/N], I know it might sound crazy, but I have a story.

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