Chapter 2

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The bus is filled with chatter as all of the students talk amongst themselves. Meanwhile I lay my head back, closing my eyes from exhaustion. I refuse to look in Bucky's eyes to avoid the "I told you so" look he's given me 5 times already. He was right, I shouldn't have stayed up stargazing, but it's hard not to when you know you won't see that clear sky again for a while; however I will never admit it to him. He's got enough of an ego, and look where that led us.

It doesn't help that making sure everyone was awake, rushing people to pack if they hadn't already, getting everyone to the main room for breakfast, and then packing the bus? Now the shrimp mascot is driving the bus, taking a few years off my life in the process. Seriously, I don't think I've seen them once without the mask on.

Ugh,  I need a coffee.

"Yes! I got invited to Prawn!" One of the cheer members yelled while everyone congratulated them, clapping.

"Well, getting invited to Prawn sounds great, but Bonzo won't even look at me." Bree sighs from behind me. Bree, Addison, and I all turn to look at Bonzo who looks down. "No invitation to Prawn for me, either. Do you think Zed forgot about me?" Bree and I both shook our heads at Addison's question. "Both of you need to relax. I'm sure both boys are just figuring out the right timing. Hell, why not beat 'em to it and ask them first?" Both of them just blink at me before smiling "Now when you apply that logic, who are you gonna ask?" Addison questions.

"Huh?" is all I manage, taken aback by the question. " Yeah, who's the lucky person?" Bree adds on to the teasing. It takes me a moment to recover from the shift, "Oh, he's just a tall vampire bad boy with dark hair, eyes that glow, that at the same time has a weird obsession for peach tea." "Can't wait to meet him" Addison and Bree giggle as the heavy mood from before lifts.

Mid conversation, we hear Bonzo call out as he's pointing towards the windows on our side of the bus. We turn to see signs while we all read them aloud " Addison... Will you... Go to the Prawn with-" "ZED!" Addison yells, seeing the zombie boy finish the last lightbulb on his sign atop a ladder in the road. The realization hits as we all scream. The bus crashes into the ladder, causing Zed to fall onto the roof with a thud. However, from the upset, the driver can't get the bus back in control and keeps swerving. " This is why we don't let shrimps drive!!" I yell to Bucky as I hold on tightly to the seats. Zed falls to our side of the bus, startling Addison. "Hi" Zed says, trying to be cool, as Addison and him have their hands lined up against the window. Without a moment's notice, Zed slips and falls. While the bus swerves into the forest, breaking through a gate before eventually stopping. Luckily the damage shouldn't be as bad as it could have been.

"Is everyone okay?!" I call out, standing from my seat, legs slightly shaky from the experience. It doesn't take long before Bucky gets up, bolts and dives out the back of the bus screaming, "Nothing can happen to me, I'm way too important!" "Addison, handle this I'll check on Bucky." I sigh before going out the back. "Yup, can confirm: still alive!" I yelled. I go to help the groaning Bucky up before I hear a thud behind me, and see a girl with white hair run by. "Addison! You had one job!" I yelled before dropping Bucky and chasing after the girl.

We race through the trees, as twigs and leaves crack under our feet.

I eventually catch up to Addison in the middle of an opening, to find her holding her arm; "Addison, Jesus christ you're fast. Are you okay?" "Sh sh sh" Addison shushes. Before I have a chance to even question or retort, I hear it. The rustling from around us, echoing; branches snapping, whispers, and low growls. "Who's there? Zed?"

Addison continues to call out into the ever continuing forest, while the rustling continues. Our breaths hitch as we spot something running through the trees, and growling gets louder. They suddenly show themselves, one after another. Still slightly hidden by the pine branches hanging down. Then one stands above us all and we get a good look. Her eyes glow gold as her necklace glows a bright blue, before she howls at the sky above.

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