Chapter 4

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It's almost the end of the school day, as 5th period is about to come up. My mind is still reeling from the werewolves earlier this morning, despite all of that though, classes must still go on. Walking through the doors my eyes meet Bree, who waves me over to our assigned seats. I got lucky to be sitting at the same table as her for Culinary, however as I'm passing by the teachers desk I hear, "Excuse me, [Y/N]." I stop in my tracks and face the teacher. Once she knows my attention is fully on her, continues on, "I just got a last minute call last period, they're asking for you in the principal's office." She hands me a slip as my brows furrow, scanning over the pink hall pass. There's no possible explanation on there, only the destination.

"Uh oh" Lacey starts, "Someone's in trouble." Jacey continues as they both smile watching me walk by and out that door.

As I'm walking through the halls, I contemplate the possible reasons I'm being called in. I can't be in trouble, can I?

Unless... maybe for letting the shrimp drive? For the mud obstacle course that definitely wasn't fair? But those can't just be my fault.. Right? Oh god, what if zombies are being cut from the team, we're screwed if that's the case!

My mind is so foggy and swirling with the possibilities that I didn't even notice until now, that I've been standing at the door of the office. With a gulp, I opened the door to her office, "Look, whatever it is I did wrong I swear I didn't-" pausing, I took a moment to find her seated, while a group of a few wolves stood in the office. Everyone turned my way, confused by my sudden entrance. There's about five werewolves in the group; the wolf boy and girl who was beside him are among them. Not the girl who was in front and in charge during the assembly, but instead the one who yelled about gutting us.

Oh no.

I'm gonna get gutted....

"Oh- um..." I sputter, no longer sure of what's happening. "Oh good, you finally joined us." Principal Lee states, almost hurried, "Now what were you saying when you came in?" She questions, curiously. "Huh?- I um. It was nothing! Just wondering why I was called down here is all...?" I can feel the presence of the other wolves beside me, probably also curious about what I previously was going to say.

Principal Lee stares at me for what feels like ages, until she finally speaks again, "Right. Well, we've noticed how well you work with groups of students, like with the cheer team."

Oh no.

"And you're such a hard worker keeping things organized. Both zombie and human cheerleaders on the team seem to agree."




"So we were wanting you to be one of the students to help the- um- new students," she says as she gestures over to the group of wolves, "to help guide them. Now this isn't a permanent thing; right now all we're asking is that you show this group around the school and help them look over their schedules." She finishes, carefully watching her words. I rest my hands on the back of the chair as I narrow my eyes at her, ready to question further.

"Just this group? What about the others?"

"Correct. Faculty and other students who we considered able are on their tours right now."

"Only for today? You aren't gonna ask me to do anything else?"

"Right now, yes"

" I don't have a choice, do I?"

"That is correct Miss [L/N]."

We sit there staring at one another until I finally give in with a huff, "Fine."

"Great! Now on you all go, make sure you're all ready for school tomorrow without any casualties! Make sure to all return with the enrollment forms as well." Principal Lee informs all the wolves as I hold the door for them.

I'm about to leave until, "Oh, and Miss [L/N]," I turn back to see her hands folded together on top of the desk, holding in the last of her anxiety, to the best of her ability. "Make sure you show them that Seabrook Cheer!"

I simply nod before closing the door. Once I'm sure I'm out of her sight, I run my hands over my face, stretching it out. "What a cruel woman.." I mumble.

Once I'm done taking a deep breath, I look up to meet the wolves, each standing there waiting patiently for me, curious of my next move. "Alright Miss Guide, where too first?" The wolf boy speaks up. "Right. First I'll get introductions out of the way, I'm [Y/N], it's nice to meet you all. Although the circumstances of this all are still very strange, I'm just gonna be going over basic rules and a tour of the school. If you have any questions feel free to ask at any time. If you need help with understanding your schedule, just show me after the tour."

"We don't need to be told what to do!" A wolf girl snaps at me as the wolf boy puts a hand on her shoulder. "Too much?" and to that, the boy nods. "Right, sorry. I'm Wynter."

I smile in response, she's a little all over the place, but it's kinda cute. "Nice to meet you Wynter, I can't wait to get to know you." I say putting my hand out to her for a handshake. She takes my hand and squeezes a little too tightly. I tighten my jaw to avoid a reaction to slip out, but the moment I get my hand back I cup it with the other one. "Right. Now if no one else has any questions or other things to say, let's get on with the tour."


I notice as the tour goes on, the group gets smaller and smaller. Eventually when I turn around I catch the wolf boy, Wynter, and another wolf attempting to sneak off. However, just in time I grab the wolf boy's wrist before he can escape like the other two. "What the heck?" He retorts looking at what had grabbed him. "Sorry, but I need at least one wolf still for this tour, in order to not get in trouble." I remark.

"Ugh.. Willa was right. I should have just skipped." He sighed as I let go of his wrist. "Alright, where to next, Miss Guide?"

"Why do you keep calling me that?" He's called me 'Miss Guide' this whole tour. "Well, you're our guide for the whole time we're here, aren't you? You heard what that lady said; you can't really think this is gonna be a one time thing, right?"

"Well no shit, wolf boy. But I mean, you already know my name; I said it earlier." "Well yeah, but I think Miss Guide suits you better. Especially since a guide for Werewolves MUST know a lot about them and how much responsibility they are." He taunts with an ever growing smirk on his face, watching me put the puzzle pieces together.

"Googly eyes!" I yell as it hits me. The wolf's eyes widen for a second from the outburst, but remains holding his smug grin hearing the familiar nickname. "I knew something about you was familiar!"

"Took you long enough, I mean look, the tour is already over. We've gone through the whole school and completed your little checklist." He fake pouts before turning to walk away like had done when we first met. "No no, we ain't done yet Wolf boy." I say spinning him back around to face me. "What else is there to do? Still need to make sure to take me on a walk and that I'm well fed?" He tries to peek over at my notes and scan over them. "Oh shush. No, here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna go home and you're going to teach the other wolves their way around the school and help them with their schedules." "And why would I do that?" "Not only do I not get in trouble, you wouldn't want your fellow wolves aimlessly wandering around without understanding where to go, or even get lost or in trouble, would you?" I slightly tilt my head as I finish my question. His brows furrow as he contemplates what I'm saying and the possible dangers to his fellow wolves without guidance. "Fine, call it even then." He takes my hand and shakes on it. He's turning to leave and walks a couple steps the moment he lets go.

"Hey wolf boy."


"I don't care what it is you guys are up to. But don't involve everyone in Seabrook. No one better get hurt."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

The bell rings as he opens the door, but he turns his head one last time to look back at me, "And Miss Guide, the name's Wyatt, not wolf boy. Easy mistake I know."

And with a wink, he was gone. 

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