Chapter 5

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My brain feels numb as I walk with Bucky to school, who is on a tirade about Zed. Not surprised either, it was Bucky's 'Big Moment' and his biggest rival stole his show. "Can't believe they would let that monst-" I cut him off, "Look at you and your rival butting heads as usual. Now you have some actual competition."

"Hey woah- me and Zed are not rivals. As cool as that may sound, I will not associate any more than I already have with that monster."
Bucky really hates being lumped in or even connected to Zed in any way possible, specifically Zed too. "Watch it, that monster you're referring to is my friend. And I don't know, it kinda seems like you're just threatened by him."

"PFT- me? Threatened? No never. Especially not by Zed."

I arch my brow at Bucky as we walk, the silence slowly killing him as I leave him to process and think about the topic. "OKAY FINE. Maybe just a little bit, but you tell no one, got it?"
I roll my eyes knowing it'd break out of him any second. Just gotta let him marinate the idea; it's been like that since we were kids. "Aye-aye captain!"

As I slightly chuckle, Bucky continues on, "You know... I wouldn't worry so much if you were there to help me with my campaign.

"Bucky...." I warn.

"And you could work with the Aceys too!"


"It'll be full proof!-"

"Bucky!" Finally catching his attention, " I told you no already, remember? I'm focused on cheer."

"I know I know. Sorry cuz." Bucky sighs, scratching the back of his neck. Bucky looks on forward, ready to move on, but he's doing the look. He doesn't realize he's doing his puppy dog eyes; which I'm a sucker for.

I can't say no to puppy dog eyes from anyone, as long as it's soul crushing enough; and Bucky's got the look down. He knows too that it's harder for me to say no to it. That's how he got the giant trophy for Cheer Camp.
However, this time he isn't looking at me, he's looking straight ahead.

Unaware of the expression painting his face and the toll it currently has.

"Ugh fine" I grumble, feeling defeated. "What?" Bucky questions, completely confused, having been cut off mid conversation. "I said fine. I'll help you with becoming president."

Before Bucky can say anything, I hold up a finger to silence him so I can continue on, "However, I will only read over your campaign and give feedback once. No more, no less. Deal?"

We're now stopped a bit away from the front of the school, as the grin on Bucky's face grows bigger than the one on his posters plastered around the halls. "Deal!"

With a handshake he's off.


While walking up to school, it doesn't take long until Addison and Bree come up next to me."Hey Cuz!" " Hey [Y/N]" both cheerleaders call.

"Hey guys."  I yawned, waiting for my brain to stop feeling numb. "Was the walk with Bucky rough?" Addison questions as I slightly shake my head. "Just get me a coffee and give me 5 minutes, then I'll be raring to go." They both laugh a tiny bit as my mouth curves up to a tired smile, and a sigh escapes my lips. Meanwhile Bree pats my back.

"Hey look, it's Zed and Eliza!" Addison, already excited to see her boyfriend, races ahead to say hi. She never changes.

"Um, hey [Y/N], can I ask you something?" Bree starts.

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