Chapter 8

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Oh how I hate having him around.

Here I am again in class, with Wyatt tapping my chair with his foot in a rhythmic pattern. He's done this almost every day, especially after we went to the cafe together. Sometimes it's him needing pencil lead or a new eraser even though the pencil I lent him has one; though maybe he's used that up already. Other days he's asking for other supplies, wanting to talk, or even just bored so he wants attention.

Turning my head back, he is unphased by my frustration towards him. "What is it this time?"

"We're going to the cafe again today, right?" he questions.

I guess my routine is now also his.

Letting the frustration roll off my shoulders with a sigh that turns into a tired laugh, I confirm his question, "Correct. Meet you out front as usual?"

"Sounds like a plan" He ends the conversation with one final tap to my chair.

Just for that tap to my chair: "Never mind, you're not allowed anymore"

"Wh- hey!"


As I'm heading to the gymnasium to practice cheer during lunch, I pass through the halls and see Willa, the alpha wolf heading my way. Not sure whether or not to say hi or wave as a friendly gesture, I decide against either and to remain silent once noticing her expression. She is far from approachable.

While walking past each other, her shoulder collides with mine, almost making me lose my balance. I watch on as she continues striding along.

Huffing, I continue on to the gymnasium. There's no point in saying something when Bree is already waiting for me.

Making it into the gymnasium, I find Bree doing her stretches. A lot of the cheerleaders often wear their uniforms to school, I however don't. I do change into some athletic wear so that I can perform better.

Once I've set my stuff down, I come up beside Bree and join her in stretching. "Hey, thanks for joining today." "Oh! It's not a problem at all. I get a bit more practice in this way." Bree flashes a smile as we continue our stretches, "By the way, you never mentioned what happened in the principal's office. Was everything okay?"

This caught me by surprise, "I haven't? But that was days ago." "Nope. We were gonna talk about it in class but you were too focused on the teacher's presentations. I didn't want to break your concentration."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"It's alright. You're a hard worker as always, so I get it. But was everything okay?" Bree questions concerned. As far as she knows, it's clear that things are alright since there had been no developments since then. "Yeah. Just remember the lockers getting torn up, among other things that the wolves were doing?"

Bree nods to this. "Well, that's what the meeting was about. Principal was scolding me for not inserting myself more. Beside homework being eaten or students being threatened, it's a whole 'nother story having property damage."

Bree cuts in, "Well that's not fair! That's not your fault at all."

"I know I know. I explained that it's going to take more time and won't be a quick fix."

"Why don't you just tell her you can't do it anymore?" While stretching, Bree glances my way from the little space she can see me with the angle we're stretching at. "Well, that may lead to the cheer team getting consequences."

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