Chapter 1

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Together the group, each wearing pink, tore through the cheer camp banner running ahead doing what they do best, cheering. Can't blame them, not only is it a great day, it's the first day of cheer camp.

I followed behind the group and herd them into the area as instructed; right before ordering them all to split up and make a path so my cousin could safely make his dramatic entrance as always.

Yup, you heard that right. Bucky, the cheer captain, is my cousin. We really do keep cheer in the family, don't we?

"Hey," As the group claps for the stunt Bucky pulled, Addison comes up beside me not looking as impressed as the rest of the group. "Hey cuz" "Just another day?" Addison questions, motioning towards Bucky. We both sit there for a moment to look at the grin plastered on his face as he quiets down the crowd. "You got that right"

Bucky may be our cousin, but he can be a handful. Despite all of that, at the end of the day we still love him. And although Addison and I refer to each other as cousins, we aren't actually related. You see, my dad and Bucky's mom are siblings, meanwhile Bucky's dad and Addison's mom are siblings. So while there's no blood connection, the time that has passed, and dealing with Bucky's antics has been enough for us to be close and lean on each other.

"You've all heard the stories of bloodthirsty monsters who roam these woods, feasting on innocent cheerleaders." Bucky starts, as the giant shrimp in the background cowers in fear and the group gasps in surprise as Bucky accentuates the words to dramatize the story being laid out.


Slightly jumping, I whip my head to the side to see Bonzo and Bree hugging after being scared by the Aceys.

"Well those stories are just silly make believe. But you'd better believe we're gonna break you down and build you back up into peppy little cheer machines like..." Bucky pointed towards each of the Acey's as he called them up, "Lacey, Stacey, and our most recent Acey, Jacey."

Each Acey walks up to the front and strikes a pose or performs a stunt to the group, before lining up. As the new guy finishes his flip and waves, he turns to Bucky for a handshake, introducing himself as Kevin, but it soon sets in as he corrects himself to "Jacey". He's a little confused but at least he's got the spirit.

"Long live the Aceys!" He cheered, "And finally, we have your cheer team manager, [Y/N]!" Bucky announces gesturing towards me. I move towards the front and wave to everyone. " She'll be helping organize and choreograph routines and will be around to help with anything needed. So go to her for any of those things listed, because I'm too busy." In reality he just doesn't want to deal with people's problems.

"The Acey's will lead the veterans, you're the A-team. Addison, Bree, you take the newbies. You're the.. Uh.. you're the Z-team."

The teams divided as instructed; Z-team throwing on their bright light green jerseys. "Zombies, this is obviously your first cheer camp. Now I'm not anti-change, I'm just pro keeping things the way they are, because you don't mess with success." Bucky started as I continued on, " This week, the veterans and the newbies will compete for the cheer camp cup to see who works greater as a-" I get cut off by the one and only cheer captain as he leans down and whispers to me "What are you doing?" " Doing my part of the speech, what do you think I'm doing?" Bucky and I continued to bicker back and forth, " Well it's really not much of a speech if you're going off script." "I'm not saying it-" "say it-" "I will not-" "say. It." "Oh for fucks sakes fine-  Both teams will be competing to see who is more... cheertastic!" I ended begrudgingly, as Bucky took my hands making me do jazz hands. Though we might be cousins, we definitely act more like siblings."You gotta put a quarter in the swear jar" He murmured, "Bucky I swear-".

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